East West Rail Cambridge Approaches Action Group

As presented in previous articles on this site here, here and here, the East West Rail is probably the biggest planning issue to hit the area for a long time. A new group focussed on influencing the East West Rail impact on parish in the search area for the new railway has been formed. The group aims to develop its own route trajectory options and facilitate consensus among the villages and their parish councils on the best solution (or least worst). Some preliminary route options were presented to representatives of parish councils including; Barton, Comberton, Great Shelford, Harlton, Haslingfield, Hauxton and Toft  as well as some county councillors and a few local residents on the 15th July and there was general support for the approach.

Further information about the group can be found on cambridgeapproaches.org. If you want to get involved send an email to info@cambridgeapproaches.org.

The group is looking for expertise in the following areas:civil engineering (preferably railway engineering); quantity surveying; environmental noise; local history & archeology; hydrology; computer aided design; legal & land issues; graphics and generalists to help push the group forwards. Founder members of the group include David Revell a Haslingfield parish councillor and Railway specialist and Dr. William Harrold from the Haslingfield web team.

Comments (1)

  • Heather & William Tuck


    Dear Group, I have written to The Cambridge Independent and hope that my opinion piece is published. I am very impressed with all that I read about you. I have family in Haslingfield and visit this beautiful village often. I have recently fought an Intensive Poultry Farm on our doorstep in Perthshire, Scotland and understand your concerns. I will copy my objections to all relevant Councillors and MPs etc.


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