Haslingfield Big Band Concert – TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM TODAY!

Blue Skies Big BandTickets are now on sale for the Blue Skies Big Band Charity Concert on 27 February at Haslingfield Village Hall. 

You can buy them at £10 each from Haslingfield Village Shop, Country Kitchen or from Caroline on: 01223 870049. The concert is in aid of The Alzheimer’s Research Fund (No.1077089). Doors will open at 7.30 pm for an 8.00 pm start. For more details about this once-off concert, please click Read more

Blue Skies Big Band returns to Haslingfield – a Charity Concert in aid of the Alzheimer’s Research Fund

Blue Skies Big BandHaslingfield Little Theatre are delighted to be hosting another Blue Skies Big Band Concert, following their very successful performance in February. The concert will take place at Haslingfield Village Hall on Saturday 27 February 2016, and will be in aid of The Alzheimer’s Research Fund (No.1077089). Doors will open at 7.30 pm for an 8.00 pm start. Read more

Mother Goose – A handful of tickets left!

mother goose poster 2 mbAs of 3.00 p.m. today (Wednesday), there are 6 tickets left for tomorrow night’s performance of the Little Theatre panto, Mother Goose (Thursday 26th Nov) and 3 for Saturday night (28th Nov). Ticket price £9 /£6 concessions (no concessions Saturday night).

If you’d like to buy any of them, please ring the Box Office on: 01223 514849.

Last Chance to buy your Tickets for MOTHER GOOSE!

mother goose poster 2 mbIf you haven’t yet bought your tickets for the Haslingfield Little Theatre panto, Mother Goose, which is on at the Village Hall next week, 26, 27 and 28 November – online tickets are available for the Thursday night performance only. To buy your tickets online, please click here.

If you’d like tickets for the Friday or Saturday night performances, there are still a few tickets available for these dates in Haslingfield Village Shop and Country Kitchen. However, the Saturday matinee is completely sold out.

Mother Goose – Tickets on sale here!

mother goose poster 2 mbCome and see Haslingfield Little Theatre’s traditional panto, Mother Goose, set in the land of the snow geese  – a frozen wonderland of trolls, snowmen, woolly jumpers and even the occasional moose!

Performances are on 26, 27 and 28 November at Haslingfield Village Hall. You can buy your tickets online here.  There are also some tickets on sale in the Village Shop and Country Kitchen. Tickets cost £9 per person (£6 concessions for under 16s and 65+, no concessions Saturday evening).

How to get involved in the Little Theatre November panto

HLT LOGO (2) jpgWe are delighted to announce that our November show will be the panto, Mother Goose, which we will be performing on Thursday, 26 November, Friday, 27 November, and Saturday 28 November. We will be reading through the script next Thursday, 16 July, with auditions the following Thursday, 23 July, both events taking place at 8.00 p.m. in Haslingfield Village Hall…. Read more

3 Young Haslingfield Residents appear at the ADC Theatre This Week

Three young Haslingfield residents, Eliza Chambers, Rachael Chambers and Adam Pennington, are starring in Murder in the Red Barn, a brand new comedy musical starting tonight (Wednesday 1 July) and running until Saturday 4 July at the ADC Cambridge. They are all part of the Cambridge Youth Musical Theatre – Eliza and Rachael are also former members of Haslingfield Young Little Theatre, and Adam took the main lead in Comberton Village College’s Les Miserables. To find out more and to buy tickets, please click here: www.adctheatre.com/whats-on/musical/murder-in-the-red-barn.aspx Read more

4 tickets left for Haslingfield Little Theatre’s LOVE IS…. tomorrow night (Saturday)

As of 12.45 p.m. (Friday) there are just 4 tickets left (£10 each) for Haslingfield Little Theatre’s May Production: Love Is…. which is being performed tomorrow night, Saturday 16 May at 7.45 p.m. in Haslingfield Village Hall.

So, if you are interested in listening to some wonderful music by some of the greats of our time, being entertained by some very funny and sometimes poignant sketches and poems, not to mention consuming some delicious complimentary canapés, please ring Jan straight away on 01223 872007 to buy your ticket. Read more

TICKETS ON SALE NOW – LOVE IS…. Haslingfield Little Theatre’s New Show

love_is(RGB)Tickets are now available for Haslingfield Little Theatre’s – LOVE IS…. at 7.45 p.m. on 16 May at Haslingfield Village Hall. Do join us for this memorable evening and relax around café-style tables, enjoying: Funny sketches by well-loved comedy writers, moving and light-hearted poems, and wonderful songs by some of the greats of our time….  Read more

Haslingfield Little Theatre receives two Award Nominations

HLT LOGO (2) jpgIn May 2014, we performed 84 Charing Cross Road – the wonderful true-life play about a New York writer and her London bookseller. We are delighted to announce that the National Operatic and Dramatic Association East Region (NODA) have nominated us for two awards: Best Play 2014, and Best Technical 2014 for Sets and Props.

Click on Read More below to to see the play photos and find out what was involved in putting on this demanding play. Read more

Jack and the Beanstalk – MATINEE SOLD OUT!

HLT LOGO (2) jpg All the matinee tickets for Haslingfield Little Theatre’s Jack and the Beanstalk on Saturday, 29 November at 2.30 p.m. have now been sold. There are still plenty of tickets available for the evening performances: 27, 28, 29 November at 7.30 p.m. in Haslingfield Village Hall. Click Read More for full details: Read more