The wall along our High Street and Broad Lane has its own story to tell. On Tuesday, 18 October at 8:00 PM in Haslingfield Village Hall, Michael Coles, resident archaeologist and historian, relates its tale in Bricks to Build With .Who made those early bricks? Where did they come from? When were they made for this and other buildings in South Cambridgeshire? Bricks are not just bricks you’ll be surprised to learn! Everyone is always welcome to our meetings. Enjoy a chat at refreshment time. Members and school aged children free, small charge for non-members.
What could people like these possibly have in common? Come to The Haslingfield Village Society’s talk by Ann Wise who will tell the stories of the characters with connections to Denny Abbey and the Farmland Museum. Ann is the museum manager. Tuesday, 20th September 2016, 8:00PM at Haslingfield Village Hall. (N.B: This is not as listed in the printed program of events.)Read more
The historic bake house on Well House Meadow will be open for viewing between 10.00 am and 12 noon, including an opportunity to browse a selection of photographs and documents from the Stringer Archive. For other opening dates Go To
This Cambridge home has a story to tell. Tamsin Wimhurst, curator and local historian, will relate The Story ofThe David Parr House at The Haslingfield Village Society, Tuesday 15th March 2016, 8.00pm in Haslingfield Village Hall. Read more
On February 6th, the Haslingfield Village Society hosted another successful social evening with a meal and the superb FB Pocket Orchestra. A big thank you is due to all who made this possible, including the audience of supporters.
‘The Story of Wheat’ by Jim Orson
Haslingfield Village Hall, Tuesday 16th Feb. at 8.00pm
Wheat is the dominant arable crop , both locally and nationally; our soils and climate are suited to its production. It is an important part of our diet, with around 80% of the flour used for our bread coming from UK-grown wheat. Globally it constitutes 20% of dietary energy. The origins of wheat will be described along with the development of current and possible future growing practices. Read more
Put yourselves in the picture A wonderful way to start a new year with neighbours, family and friends. A free event for all ages of people and dogs (must be on leads). The guided walk lasts about an hour and a half. Afterwards, you are invited to return to the hall for homemade soup and sandwiches for a small charge to cover costs. Meet at Haslingfield Village Hall: 11:00 AM. January 1st 2016.
A further guided walk will take place after noon for the more energetic.
King’s Cross – An insight into an extraordinary piece of London
Tuesday, 17th November 2015, 8.00pm, Haslingfield Village Hall
David Tod, Events Manager for the estate, is at the heart of the strategy for this vibrant area and is part of the team working to transform it as a place to live, work, study, eat and drink. His talk will look at the rich history of the site dating back to Roman times, right up to the present day. He will share the master plans and vision for the 67 acre development and how it is going about attracting the likes of Google and Louis Vuitton to relocate their UK headquarters there. Read more
6 February 2016, take a trip back in time and immerse yourself in the funky sounds of blues, ragtime, hot jazz, songs, and dances from long ago. Working backwards from the 1930’s, the FB Pocket Orchestra explores repertoire that marked the beginning of what we now regard as popular music. Haslingfield Village Society has engaged this wonderful group for the Annual Social. The event will include a two course hot meal in the interval; seating is at tables. Guests are invited to bring their own drinks and glasses (water will be on the tables). Doors open at 6:00 for 7:00 start in Haslingfield Village Hall. Our social events always sell out. Tickets (£15) on sale from November: contacts, Maria Stringer 01223 871256 or or Michael Hendy 01223 870270 or