The next HVS Talk, Matthew Boswell, Life in the Universe, will take place next Tuesday 15 October at 8.00 pm at Haslingfield Village Hall. Matthew Boswell is Public Astronomer at the Cambridge Institute of Astronomy, and is no stranger to HVS, having talked to us on two previous occasions.
He has an outreach role with schools and local organisations, and will talk to us about the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe.
Members and 18 years and under are free. £4.00 visitors. Inclusive of refreshments. More information about us and how to become a member at:
Plastic, Packaging and Sustainability – the real truth How can you really be sustainable in what you buy and eat? What is really going on in the world of plastics and packaging, and what you should be doing about all the plastic you are using? Everyone is very welcome to hear about this important issue.
Our speaker, Paul Earnshaw, leads the team that is responsible for implementing the packaging strategy for the Tesco Packaged Food Divisions, Non-Food Divisions and coordination with the rest of the Tesco Group. Read more
Haslingfield Village Society still have tickets available for the Storytelling presentation from Hugh Lupton Psalms from the Horse’s Mouth at Haslingfield Village Hall on Saturday, 10 February.
Doors open at 6.30 p.m. for a 7 p.m. start. There will be interval food provided.
Saturday, March 2nd 2024 at Haslingfield Village Hall, 8.00 pm (Doors open at 7.30 pm). NB This has changed from the original time of 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm.
A talk by Pete Spence: resident of Haslingfield, a husband and father. His day job is a project manager in the aerospace industry, buthis real passion is bread making. Pete will speak about where bread was originated and in what forms across the world throughout history. He will discuss how industrialisation changed bread for the worse. His talk will touch on bread making techniques, the gut microbiome, and how we can stand up against giant conglomerates in the food industry. Haslingfield Village Society. Tuesday, 20th February, 8.00pm, Haslingfield Village Hall
All welcome. Members and youngsters 16 and under are free. £2.50 visitors, which includes refreshments
The Village Society’s New Year’s Day Walk will start at Haslingfield Village Hall at 11.00 am tomorrow – 1 January 2024. It will be again led by Clive Blower.
Everyone is welcome – sandwiches and soup will be provided at the end.
A Horrible History of Bells and Bellringing The talk will cover the history of bells from ancient times through to the modern day and the peculiar set of circumstances that led to the English art of change ringing.
Tom Ridgman will discuss the tensions between secular ringing, ringing for entertainment and/or money, and ringing as part of the mission of the church, particularly the activities of the Belfry Reform movement in the 1860’s that lead to the organisational structure of bell ringing today. Read more
The buildings with some of the Village Archives will be open for viewing on the Saturdays of 5th and 26th August between 10 am and Noon. Come along and learn more about the history of the village or even your road. This is a free event held by the Haslingfield Village Society. We are looking forward to meeting new people and old friends.
The next Haslingfield Village Society Talk will be: King James I Palace at Royston by Nicky Paton, Royston Museum manager
Tuesday 18th April, 8:00pm, Haslingfield Village Hall
Nicky will take you on a virtual tour around Royston to discover King James Ist’s extensive palace and favourite countryside retreat there. With artistic recreations of the royal estate, you will learn about the significant events that happened in Royston during his reign, and that of his son King Charles I – from the Gunpowder Plot to the English Civil War!
Everyone is very welcome Entrance: Members, students, children free. Friends/visitors £2.50. includes tea/coffee/biscuits Read more
So you think you know Switzerland Speaker: Edmund Brookes
Think of Switzerland and you immediately think of the Matterhorn, the Eiger, St Moritz and Cuckoo Clocks. There is much more to Switzerland; there are plenty of lakes and mountains but many are off the normal tourist routes, with splendid vistas and stunning sites where trains and Post Buses do not venture. With a little careful planning all are readily accessible. The picture is a teaser, but just 20 miles from St Moritz and 1000 feet above the valley floor! All will be revealed!
Village Society talks are open to all and we look forward to welcoming you.
Entrance: members, students, children free; visitors £2.50 – includes coffee/biscuits