International Harp Concert

A rare event.

On 7th July, International harpist, Robin Ward will be playing his own handcrafted triple harp in the beautiful surroundings of Haslingfield Parish Church.   Robin’s talent, combined with his engaging and informative performance approach, is a treat not to be missed.  His programme will include a wide variety of music from the Baroque, Classical, and Romantic periods, and from Folk Traditions, with a combination of his own transcriptions and music originally written for the instrument; for a flavour of it,  go to  .  He will also talk briefly about harp construction.

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Jubilee Brass Band Concert

Fresh from their success in Paris, City of Cambridge Brass Band performs in the great arena of Haslingfield’s medieval parish church to celebrate the 2012 Jubilee.  Wednesday 6th June at 8.00 pm. Read more

Family Carol Concert

Christmas Music and Carol Singing with Eversden Brass Band

in All Saints Church Haslingfield
4.30 to 5.30, 17 December, 2011
Entry £2, children free
mince pies, hot punch & soft drinks available

Music for a Summer Evenining

City of Cambridge Brass Band

play ‘Baroque to Pop’

8.00 pm, Wednesday 8th June
in the magnificent surroundings of All Saints Church, Haslingfield

Entry £6.00

Refreshments available


“Scrape the Barrel” folk group with Clive the Caller
Saturday May 14th, 7.00 – 10.30 pm
in All Saints’ Church, Haslingfield
(flat shoes to be worn!)
Youngsters’ Session at 7.00 pm, on the dot
Ploughman’s Supper 8.30 pm
Licensed Bar
Raffle prizes

Tickets from Haslingfield shops, or on the door
Adults £10.00, School age £5.00, under five’s free
Supper included

Info: or phone 01223 871002



A concert of Words and Songs

by poets and musicians sharing experiences of homelessness

Saturday April 9th, 3.00 – 5.00 pm,  in Haslingfield Church

Tickets from Hasingfield shops, or on the door
Adults £3.00, school age FREE

All proceeds will go to Street Voices, a Talking in Tune community music project

For info contact: or streetvoices

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Carol Concert


A Family Carol Concert
with Eversden Brass Band

All Saints Church, Haslingfield

Christmas Fairy Lights, Christmas Music,
Carols, Mince Pies, Soft drinks and Hot Punch
4.30 pm to 5.30 pm  on Saturday 18th December

Entry £2.00, schoolchildren free

Info: 01223 871002

Festival Barbecue – Aurevoir

By all accounts everyone had a good time and the whole village enjoyed the fireworks!  Our thanks to all who came and helped us to raise around £1600, of which £320 will be donated to the Haslingfield Village Fund in appreciation of the support we receive from the whole community.   Read more