Dwelling Burglary in Chestnut Close

eCops logoDwelling burglary, Chestnut Close, Haslingfield, committed between 11/11/2016-15/11/2016. Unknown offender(s) unlocked rear door and removed handbag containing cash and cheques. CF0523941116 refers.
If you have any information relating to this crime, please contact the police on 101. Or, if you wish to remain anonymous please call crime stoppers on 0800 555 111.
PCSO 7156 Samuel Kennedy, South Cambs Division, Cambridgeshire Constabulary

Coffee Morning – Monday 28th November 9am -12 noon

coffee morningCoffee Morning – Helping to keep our community and village safer from unwanted crime.
Find out how Neighbourhood Watch works and the benefits of being a member of a NHW scheme.
Do you know who your NHW Street Co-ordinator is?
Would you like to be a NHW Street Co-ordinator for your street?
We are holding the coffee morning at No. 2 Watson’s Yard on Monday 28th November 9am – 12 noon please join us!
Rachel Carr – Crime Reduction Officer will be there with low cost security gadgets, including shed alarms for sale. Lots of free booklets/leaflets and advice on how we can help ourselves from becoming victims of crime. You can sign up with Rachel for a free Home Security Survey.
                                                              Lina Josephs and Teresa Harrold – Village NHW Co-ordinator

Distraction Burglary – Sawston

Rachel Carr (Police, Community Safety Officer, South Cambridgeshire)

eCops logoPlease note there has been a distraction burglary reported today 2 November 2016 between 09:00 – 09:45 hrs.  The incident took place at Sunderlands Avenue, Sawston.
The householder was cold -called by a male offering to do some gardening work, the price quoted was £90 which was then reduced to £50 when the householder declined the service.
The victim gave the male £50, and directed the male to the back garden locking the front door as they went.  A second and third male then appeared. While the victim was looking for tools in the garden shed, the third large build male then blocked the victim’s view of the rear of the house and any exit route.
A short time later a relative asleep inside the house, woke to see a person leaving the kitchen, later the victim noticed a laptop and £250 cash had been stolen. Crime ref: CF 0498971116

Not Sure? Don’t open the door

Read more

Attempted shed break in – foiled by shed alarm

Message sent by
Samuel Kennedy (Police, PCSO, South Cambridgeshire – Cambourne)

Attempted shed break in, Church Street, Haslingfield, committed between 18:00-22:15hrs 23/10/2016. Offender(s) have unscrewed the hinges off a garden shed. The door was fitted with an alarm eCops logowhich is believed to have been activated prompting the offender to leave. CF0480561016 refers.

If you have any information relating to the crimes reported, please contact the police on 101. Or if you wish to remain anonymous please call crime stoppers on 0800 555 111.

Simple shed alarms are available to buy from the Police starting from as little as £2

Local Policing Survey and Draft Police and Crime Plan 2017-2020

Charles Kitchin (Police, Director of Public Engagement and Communications, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Cambridgeshire)

Many thanks to those of you who have completed my survey regarding local Policing, your responses have helped me to understand what matters to you in terms of keeping your communities safe.
If you have neCops logoot had the opportunity to complete the survey, there is still time and you can find the survey by clicking on the link below. The link will also take you to the draft Police and Crime Plan which you can read through and make comments if you wish.
Click here to complete the survey
Thank you
Jason Ablewhite, Police and Crime Commissioner


Knife Amnesty

Message sent by
Julie Hajredini (Police, PCSO, South Cambridgeshire – Sawston)

From October 17 knives can be deposited at local Police Stations without fear of prosecution as part of a week-long amnesty.

The stations will be Cambourne, Histon and Sawston.eCops logo
This also includes kitchen knifes for a safer disposal  if no longer needed.

If you know someone who carries a knife, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or visit Crimestoppers-uk.org.
You could save a life.

New Parish Councillors

I am delighted to inform you that we have been successful in attracting three new Parish Councillors: Peter Agar from New Road, Clive Blower from Trinity Close, Tricia Knibbs from the High Street. We welcome them all to the team and are confident that they will all make a valuable contribution to the village.

We still do need more applicants, so if you are thinking about it, but not sure whether to apply or not, why not come along to the meetings to find out how we spend the second Monday evening of each month. The areas we still need help with are: Read more

National Cyber Crime Survey

This is a message sent via eCops. This information has been sent on behalf of Action Fraud (National Fraud Intelligence Bureau)

The City of London Police, in partnership with Get Safe Online, has put together a National Cyber Crime Survey. Its purpose is to learn about people’s awareness of online safety and experiences of cybercrime, with a view to improve our knowledge and understanding and to help provide a better response to victims. The results will help police forces gain a better idea of the challenges they are facing. If you have a spare 15 minutes, we would be grateful if you could complete a short questionnaire. The link can be found here:https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/CybercrimeSurvey2016 .

Local Crime

Message sent by
Lindsay Gardiner (Police, PCSO, South Cambridgeshire – Cambourne)

eCops logo

02/10/2016 – 03/10/2016  19:00 – 17:15
Fountain Lane, Haslingfield
Shed break, nothing taken.

If you saw anything suspicious please contact the police on 101 and report it. Thank you.

A Community Governance Review for the Parish of Haslingfield



The South Cambridgeshire District Council is undertaking a community governance review of the parish of Haslingfield because the new housing development at Trumpington Meadows will alter the geographical spread of housing across the parish. The resulting spatial separation between the two population centres will no longer correspond to a parish boundary that reflects a natural settlement pattern. Furthermore, the two populations may not share a common identity or interests. So Have your say in the Haslingfield Parish community governance review.