Vehicle Online Shopping Fraud

This is a message sent via eCops. This information has been sent on behalf of Action Fraud (National Fraud Intelligence Bureau)

Fraudsters have been advertising vehicles and machinery for sale on various selling platforms online. The victims, after communicating via email with the fraudster, will receive a bogus email which purports to be from an established escrow provider (a third party who will keep the payment until the buying and selling parties are both happy with the deal). Click on Read More for more information. Read more

Distraction Burglaries

Message sent by
Rachel Carr (Police, Community Safety Officer, South Cambridgeshire)

Police are urging residents to be vigilant and to look out for elderly relatives and neighbours following a spate of distraction burglaries in Cambridge City.
Most of the burglaries have involved criminals claiming to be either police officers or Neighbourhood Watch members.
The burglaries happened on Saturday (May 13) in Emery St. and Russell Ct, yesterday in New St. and at about 6a.m. Monday (May 15) in James St.
After making the false claim the offender has pushed past the victim. In Monday’s incident, the burglar assaulted the victim and pushed them to the ground before stealing money. Click on READ MORE for more information and how to protect yourselves. Read more

Ransomware Cyber Attack

This is a message sent via eCops. This information has been sent on behalf of Action Fraud (National Fraud Intelligence Bureau)
Message sent by
Action Fraud (Action Fraud, Administrator, National)

Following the ransomware cyber attack on Friday 12 May which affected the NHS and is believed to have affected other organisations globally, the City of London Police’s National Fraud Intelligence Bureau has issued an alert urging both individuals and businesses to follow protection advice immediately and in the coming days.
Ransomware is a form of malicious software (Malware) that enables cyber criminals to remotely lock down files on your computer or mobile device. Criminals will use ransomware to extort money from you (a ransom), before they restore access to your files. There are many ways that ransomware can infect your device, whether it be a link to a malicious website in an unsolicited email, or through a security vulnerability in a piece of software you use.

For Key Protect messages for business and Key Protect advice for individuals click on Read More. Read more

Operation Hunter – a crime prevention event organised by the Police and NHW Tuesday 6th June between 5pm – 8pm

The police will be here in Haslingfield during the day, officers will be patrolling key areas of the village to increase awareness of security, and promote the event in the village hall between 5pm – 8pm.

James Sutherland, Area Commander for South Cambs is due to give a brief talk regarding home security measures, including some advice regarding cyber- crime at 6pm.  Please join us! For more information click on READ MORE. Read more

Parking Crackdown – Area Commander Update

Message sent by
James Sutherland (Police, Chief Inspector, South Cambridgeshire)

In February we launched a web-site where you could register complaints about parking in your village. As promised we have taken the information that you gave us and have run our first two crackdown days.
During these days we ring-fenced our PCSOs and deployed them only to the places where you told us parking was a problem.  Before deploying our PCSOs I took a careful review of the information and it was clear to me that a lot of the parking being complained about wasn’t necessarily illegal.  This is due to some confusion about the difference between a Highway Code Rule and the rules established by the Road Traffic Act.  Without getting too technical, there are some rules in the highway code which are ‘should not’ and some that are ‘must not’.  Only the latter can be legally enforced.  Click on Read More for further information. Read more

Tourists Targeted by Fake Police Officers


There has been a series of recent incidents reported to Action Fraud where a lone fraudster has approached victims whom they believe to be unfamiliar with the local area. They make an excuse to talk to the victims such as enquiring about directions or offering a recommendation for a good hotel. Click on Read More for further information.
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