Business Burglary – Cantelupe Road

19/12/2017 20:30 – 19/12/2017 20:35  Cantelupe Road, Haslingfield Business Burglary CF0733361217

If you have information relating to the crime reported, please contact the police on 101. Or if you wish to remain anonymous please call crime stoppers on 0800 555 111                  Lindsay Gardiner PCSO

Security Advice – Light Up Your Home

As the nights get darker, there is an increased risk of burglary when many homes will look obviously unoccupied. This can make your property more attractive to a potential burglar who would not like to be seen or discovered.

Use light timer switches, to make your home look occupied as it starts to get dark from about 3p.m. 3:30p.m. even just leaving some lights switched on will be beneficial. Think of rooms you would naturally be in such as a living room or kitchen. Leave a radio on a talk station, and make sure that all the windows, doors and side gates are secure.  There have been some recent burglaries where intruders have got in due to an insecurity. Read more by clicking on the Read More link. Read more

Results of the Phase 3 Traffic Calming Ballot

The votes were checked and counted by Frances Laville, Parish Clerk and Jenny Jullien, Chairman and validated against the Electoral Register. There are 1,272 people on the register of whom 500 voted, 39%.
Of the 500 votes cast;

  • 182 voted YES, 36%
  • 290 voted NO, 58%
  • 28 votes cast were invalid.

Therefore, phase 3 of the traffic calming scheme will not be implemented.
Thank you to everyone who took part in the ballot.  Jenny Jullien – Chairman, Haslingfield Parish Council

Harston Road – forced entry into metal storage container 11th-12th November

CF0652201117 Harston Road, Haslingfield – Offender(s) have forced entry into a metal storage container, nothing noted as stolen.

If you have any information relating to the crime reported, please contact the police on 101. Or if you wish to remain anonymous please call crime stoppers on 0800 555 111                  PCSO 7156 Samuel Kennedy, South Cambs Division, Cambridgeshire Constabulary

Remember ballot papers need to be returned by 31 OCTOBER 2017

 Phase 3 of the Traffic Calming Scheme

If you have mislaid your ballot paper or are having difficulties returning it to one of the Parish Councillors, then please let me know and I’ll either get another copy to you or collect your completed ballot paper or even both.  You can also get a copy here: TC Phase 3 Ballot Paper

01223 872848       07450910015

Jenny Jullien

Damage caused in attempt to steal lead from the roof of All Saints’ Church

Committed between 01:30- 02:30hrs 08/10/2017. Offender(s) have caused damage to the roof of the Church attempting to steal lead. CF0578101017 refers.

If you have any information relating to the crime reported, please contact the police on 101. Or if you wish to remain anonymous please call crime stoppers on 0800 555 111.             PCSO 7156 Samuel Kennedy, South Cambs Division