Haslingfield Parish Clerks

We are sorry to announce that Vicky Crowden has tendered her resignation and will be leaving us at the end of September. We have enjoyed enormously working with Vicky, but her need to spend more time with family has, and rightly so, taken precedence.
We have been very fortunate to recruit Jacqui Cressey who was one of the applicants for the post of Assistant to the Parish Clerk. Jacqui lives in the village and has done so for the last twelve years.
Our best wishes go to both Vicky and Jacqui.
Jenny Jullien

Haslingfield Skate Park – attention all users

Please can all users of the Skate Park respect the facility and keep it safe and tidy for others. Broken bottles / litter have been reported on more than one occasion recently and there is also evidence of a fire, using school books. Some books found at the site identify their owner and these will be returned to the school in question.  Please note that a new rubbish bin is due to be installed shortly (as the previous one was damaged by fire).

The Parish Council recognises that the majority of users respect the facility but these types of incidents are unwelcome and threaten the future of the skate park for all.

Haslingfield Parish Clerk – 23rd July 2019

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return – year ending 31st march 2019

Haslingfield Parish Council : Here is the Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) – Accounts for the Year Ended 31 MARCH 2019 – Notice of Public Rights 2018-9

Please note that Sections 1 & 2 of the AGAR 2018-19, along with this notice for y/e 31 March 2019, are published on the Parish Council page of the Haslingfield village website and can also be found in paper format on the PC notice boards. These are unaudited and may be subject to change.

Job vacancy – Assistant to Parish Clerk

Haslingfield Parish Council – Assistant to Parish Clerk

We are looking to find someone to assist the Parish Clerk for up to 4 hours a week, for a period of no less that six months.

The ideal candidate would have a good working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel, be a good administrator and have sound communication skills. You will be required to work up to four hours per week, mainly working from home. Full training will be given. The rate of pay will depend on experience but is likely to be in the range of £10.16 to £11.22 per hour.

If you are interested in applying or hearing more, please contact Vicky Crowden, Parish Clerk, clerk@haslingfieldparish.co.uk  / 07495 435029.