The Big Conversation about how we shape our NHS

“Get involved in the Big Conversation about how we shape our NHS
Local residents are being encouraged to have their say on the future of local NHS services as part of The Big Conversation.
Funding for healthcare across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is under pressure. More people are using NHS services locally, and resources are limited. At the moment, the local NHS is buying more than it can afford which means that some difficult decisions need to be made about the services it can afford to provide in the future. Read more

Temporary Village Hall Access

The construction of the village hall extension has now started and a safety fence is erected around the hall. This means that access to the hall has been changed and access to the hall is now through the side door overlooking the patio area to the north of the hall (not the double doors). 

There will be signs on the fencing around the hall to provide more details as is the attached layout.

Rita Phillipson – Interment of ashes

On Friday 30th August 2019 at 10:30am, Rita’s ashes will be placed in the ground at the same spot as her husband, John, in the churchyard of All Saints’ Church in Haslingfield. Anyone who knew her is very welcome to attend.
Rita lived in Trinity Close and was a regular visitor to the lunch club and the folk dance club. She died on 12th July 2017 at the age of 91 years.

The Little Rose

The next Bingo night is on Wednesday 4th September 8pm start. All welcome!
We are looking for more people to play. 
16 years and over with cash prizes.