Author Archive

Village Society Special Event

Saturday 28 January 2012.
See it on the big screen at the Haslingfield Village Centre and sing – along with all those happy songs.  A substantial ploughman’s supper included and a bar is available.  Tickets: £7.50 adults, £5 children,  from Michael Hendy 870270,  The Village Shop and The Little Rose Pub.

Family Carol Concert

Christmas Music and Carol Singing with Eversden Brass Band

in All Saints Church Haslingfield
4.30 to 5.30, 17 December, 2011
Entry £2, children free
mince pies, hot punch & soft drinks available


Decorated Trees in All Saints Church
Saturday 17th December, 10.00 am to 4.00 pm
Sunday 18th December, 12.00 pm to 4.00 pm
Entry £2.00 (children free)
Refreshments      Lunches      Music
For info: contact Christine Tod,  01223 870247


The church floodlight and screens alongside the footpath have been vandalised four times in the past few weeks, the damage becoming progressively worse. Read more

Next HVS Talk

Tuesday 15 November, 8.00 pm in the Village Centre
Life in a Mirror: Symmetry in Nature
Dr Stuart Warren, retired lecturer and researcher, Dept of Chemistry at Cambridge University.
Read more

At the Little Rose


Saturday 29 October, 7.30 for 8.00
Fancy Dress
And don’t miss Niki’s & Jed’s Birthday on 3rd December

Next HVS Talk

The Speaker for Tuesday 18 October is Les Millgate  from the Imperial War Museum who will talk about Duxford History.  He replaces Martin Boswell who has been called away on that date. Read more