Author Archive

Vandalism at the Parish Church

image001One of the kneeling figures in the Wendy monument in the south east corner of the Chancel of Haslingfield Church has been badly damaged and part of it removed. It is not known when the damage occurred but if anyone saw anything suspicious looking back over the last few days, please let one of the Churchwardens, or Harold Hopkins know; or use ‘Comments’ below.
Click the picture to see the damage.

Scarecrow Festival 2016

scarecrow colour logo from prueThe Haslingfield Scarecrow Festival is going to run this year during the
weekend of the Queen’s 90th Birthday celebrations in June.  All scarecrows (especially royal ones)
are welcome.  If anyone would like to run a stall etc on the Sunday as part
of the Scarecrow Trail please let me know and we can advertise it on the
map. (Alix Robinson,, 870167)

Provenance Kitchen

IMG_1501 (2)Provenance  will be firing up their wood fired oven again in Haslingfield on Thursday 14th April, 6 – 9 pm at Country Kitchen on Church Street.  Another varied menu!


cam_quartet_queensCome and enjoy CAMSAX QUARTET and COTON HARMONIA SINGERS in concert
All Saints’ Church, Haslingfield on Saturday16 April, 7.30 pm

Admission by programme £10 – refreshments available during the interval.
Inquiries to Jose Hopkins (872190)

Film Club

movie-cameraThe next Film Club will be on Friday 15th April 2016 at 7.30pm.  We shall meet in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Running time 117 min. Certificate: PG.  We will break for refreshments half way through. Subtitles will not be used unless there is a particular request for them.  Admission is free. Read more

Coffee Morning

coffee morningAll Saints’ Coffee and Cakes

On Saturday 9th April from 10am until 12 noon, come along to All Saints’ to enjoy a cup of coffee and a friendly chat as well as a cake stall. The Church Restoration Fund will benefit from this occasion.  Offers of cakes to Merle Barton, 01223 871574.



Next Village Society Talk

image001Concorde – a 20th century icon

Captain John Hutchinson, who joined the Concorde fleet in 1977, will talk about the aircraft and what it was like to fly her.

Tuesday 19th April 2016 at 8.00pm in Haslingfield Village Hall.  Everyone welcome.

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Easter Film Club Special

 movie-cameraOur next regular Film Club evening is on Friday 15th April 2016; however….as part of the Easter Activities we will be showing the following film beginning at 7.30pm on Good Friday 25th March 2016 in the Methodist Church (thanks to Joe Caprani in the village for the loan of the DVD):
The South African/ Wilton’s stage production of
By the Heritage Theatre
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Provenance Kitchen

FullSizeRenderProvenance  will be firing up its oven in Haslingfield on Thursday 17th March at Country Kitchen on Church Street.  Please join us for for some fantastic restaurant quality food; The burger is back too ! !

