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Film Club 23 Sept.

movie-cameraThe new Film Club Season will begin on Friday 23rd September 2016 at 7.30pm and will show a film with 4 Academy Awards based on a true story with an Olympics theme…..
We shall meet in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free.  Running time 118 min. Certificate: Universal.  We will break for refreshments half way through. Read more

Joint Harvest Festival Service and Lunch, 25th Sept.

harvestAll are warmly welcome to join our Village Joint Harvest Festival at All Saints’ Church together with Haslingfield Methodist Church.  

Please note the 10:30 start and the service will be followed by a Bring and Share Lunch at All Saints’.  In organising lunch All Saints’ are bringing savoury dishes and Methodists are bringing the sweets – there is a list on the table just inside the church to check what others are bringing.

New Florist in Haslingfield

flower-shop-1Opening 20th September 

It is with great excitement that we are really pleased to announce that we will shortly be opening the doors to our new florist shop in Church Street, Haslingfield.

Do come and visit us, we would love to meet you.  We are stocking seasonal, British and some more unusual varieties of flowers (for the more adventurous).  Whatever the occasion your flowers will be beautifully wrapped and delivered.   If you just need a token gift our hessian & paper wraps will be available every day for you to pick up.

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Next Village Society Meeting



What could people like these possibly have in common?  Come to The Haslingfield Village Society’s talk by Ann Wise who will tell the stories of the characters with connections to Denny Abbey and the Farmland Museum.  Ann is the museum manager.   Tuesday, 20th September 2016, 8:00PM at Haslingfield Village Hall.  (N.B: This is not as listed in the printed program of events.) Read more

Haslingfield’s Deli of the Year

IMG_1501 (2)Country Kitchen is very happy and proud to have been awarded the ‘Farm Shop / Deli of the year’ in the Cambridge Evening News Food and Drinks Awards 2016. We would like to express a very heart-felt thanks to all our loyal customers, and especially those that voted for us.  Short-listing of the three finalists was based entirely on customer nominations and we were up against Shelford Deli and Radmore Farm shop in Chesterton. Read more

Coffee and Cakes

coffee morningat All Saints Church, Saturday 13 August, 10 am – 12 noon.  Do drop in on your way to or from the shops for coffee and a chat – and of course delicious cake.  Make a date in your diary, and we are always glad to have offers of cakes or other delicacies.
Merle Barton 871574 and Jose Hopkins 872190


oasisOasis Holiday at Home for Seniors will once again be held in the Methodist Church, from Tuesday 26 July to Thursday 28 July, between 9.45 am & 2.30 pm.  We are offering a mixture of craft activities, quizzes, music and games, all in a relaxed holiday setting, ending with lunch each day.  Details and application forms can be found in the village churches, or from David Lewis, 874029,