Author Archive

Haslingfield Primary School – Costume and Prop Box

Haslingfield Primary School are trying to get a costume &  prop box together for our many school productions that we put on over the years and are looking for donations.

If you think you have anything suitable that we could use then please do not hesitate to drop it off in the school office, or call Andrea on 01223 870243.

Next Sunday – Cream Tea time again!

Cream TeaEnjoy a traditional cream tea with freshly-baked scones, jam and cream, in the informal woodland garden of The Dovecote, 29 High Street, Haslingfield.  Time & Date: 3-5.30 p.m. on Sunday 1 Sept. All proceeds to Parkinsons UK.

Luncheon Club celebrates

 On 13th June, the Haslingfield and Harlton Luncheon Club will be celebrating its 10th Anniversary.  The 1st meal was served on 26th June 2003 and we have met each month since then, only cancelling once because of snow!  This Club has been, and continues to be, a great success.
Thanks to the loyal volunteers and diners.

Haslingfield & Harlton Youth Club Bus Project – News

connectionsHaslingfield and Harlton Parish Councils  have now taken over all responsibilities for ‘The Connections Youth Bus’, to ensure that our young people continue to benefit from this very valuable facility.

If you have children (year 7 onwards) please encourage them to come along to Haslingfield Village Hall Car Park on a Wednesday after school (16.00 to 18.00) to enjoy the benefits accruing from the commitment of our Parish Council. The youth workers will be delighted to welcome them on board. Read more