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Blue Skies Big Band Concert – February

WBlue Skies Big Band Photo - Feb 2016e are delighted that February’s Blue Skies Big Band Concert, hosted by Haslingfield Little Theatre, raised £1048 for the Alzheimer’s Research Fund. Thanks go to everyone who supported the evening, whilst enjoying wonderful music, and, of course, to the Blue Skies Big Band members themselves.

Haslingfield Little Owls Preschool Bedding Plant Sale 2016

Little Owls Plant LogoWe invite you to place an order for high quality bedding plants that we will deliver free, to your doorstep. The plants are locally grown in a nursery in Harston – a great way to support a local grower and raise money for Haslingfield Little Owls Preschool. To order your plants, please print and fill in the Plant Order Form 2016. To find out more, please click Read more

FROM TODAY: Haslingfield Little Theatre Show & Play Photos on Facebook

As from today, you can view a selection of our rece81 MGnt Show & Play Photos on the Haslingfield Little Theatre Facebook Page. If you’ve been to see any of our productions, we hope they will bring back memories of enjoyable evenings shared with us, or if you’re less familiar with us, they will give you the opportunity to see our work. You don’t have to be on Facebook to view them, but if you are on Facebook and like them, do please Like Them. To see the photos, please click here.


HLT logo 2We are looking for two actors, a man in his 40s/50s and a woman in her 20s/early 30s, to complete the cast for our forthcoming production, the hilarious farce, Lend me a Tenor by Ken Ludwig. As these are major roles, we are seeking people with previous amateur acting experience – even if you have not acted for some while. NB You do not have to be able to sing, see Read more

TONIGHT & THURSDAY – Little Theatre Read-Through and Auditions!

HLT logo 2Our next production is the hilarious farce, Lend me a Tenor, by Ken Ludwig, which we are performing on 19, 20 and 21 May. If you’re interested in being part of this great play – either on-stage or as part of the production team, do please come along to the Read-Through on Monday 1 Feb and the Auditions on Thursday 4 Feb – both in Haslingfield Village Hall at 7.45 pm. You’ll get a feel of the play as well as a warm welcome from Haslingfield Little Theatre members. For further info. please click  Read more

THIS SATURDAY – Little Owls Jumble Sale

Little Owls Preschool LogoThis Saturday 30 January from 2pm onwards Haslingfield Little Owls Preschool will be holding their annual Jumble Sale in Haslingfield Village Hall. Refreshments available. Please bring any items of jumble to the Hall on the day from 10.30 – 12.30 (no electrical items please). See you there! To see poster click Read more

Haslingfield Big Band Concert – TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM TODAY!

Blue Skies Big BandTickets are now on sale for the Blue Skies Big Band Charity Concert on 27 February at Haslingfield Village Hall. 

You can buy them at £10 each from Haslingfield Village Shop, Country Kitchen or from Caroline on: 01223 870049. The concert is in aid of The Alzheimer’s Research Fund (No.1077089). Doors will open at 7.30 pm for an 8.00 pm start. For more details about this once-off concert, please click Read more

Merry Christmas from the Web Team!

christmastreeMerry Christmas!
We would like to wish all visitors to the website a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! As we approach the five-year anniversary of the site’s launch back in February 2011, we hope that you are continuing to find it useful – and please don’t hesitate to submit your comments to any of the posts. For more info, click  Read more

Blue Skies Big Band returns to Haslingfield – a Charity Concert in aid of the Alzheimer’s Research Fund

Blue Skies Big BandHaslingfield Little Theatre are delighted to be hosting another Blue Skies Big Band Concert, following their very successful performance in February. The concert will take place at Haslingfield Village Hall on Saturday 27 February 2016, and will be in aid of The Alzheimer’s Research Fund (No.1077089). Doors will open at 7.30 pm for an 8.00 pm start. Read more