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TOMORROW NIGHT: Ten Tickets left for Haslingfield Little Theatre’s production of Oliver!

Haslingfield Little Theatre look forward to welcoming their audience to their latest production, OLIVER!, which is on from this Wednesday 22nd November to Saturday 25th November at Haslingfield Village Hall. 

As of this morning (Tues 21st Nov), there are still a handful of tickets available for tomorrow night’s performance (Wednesday 22nd Nov):  5 at & 5 at the Village Shop. All other performances are sold out. Read more

THIS SATURDAY: Haslingfield Methodist Church Charity Fair – 18th November,11am-2.30pm

The Haslingfield Methodist Church Charity Fair will be taking place this Saturday 18th November from 11 am – 2.30 pm. 18 National and Local charities will be having stalls where you can buy your Christmas cards, books, baubles, preserves , gifts, plants etc.  3 of these charities are new to our fair. Click stalls – 2017 for details. During the day, delicious homemade food will be available, including light lunches. Something for everyone!  



Haslingfield Little Theatre are delighted to announce that they are putting on an extra performance of Oliver on Wednesday 22 November at 7.30 pm at Haslingfield Village Hall.
So if you haven’t managed to buy tickets, or would like to buy some more, tickets for Wednesday are available at: at £10/£8 concessions. There are also a number of Wednesday tickets on sale at Haslingfield Village Shop and Country Kitchen. Read more


Haslingfield Little Theatre’s next show will be the musical, Oliver! music, lyrics & book by Lionel Bart. The show will be performed at Haslingfield Village Hall on 23, 24 and 25 November at 7.30 pm, with a matinee performance on 25 November at 2.30 pm

Tickets available at:, Haslingfield Village Shop and Country Kitchen – £10 Thursday & Friday, £12 Saturday. Concessions £8 (under 16, 65+. No concessions Saturday evening). Read more

THIS SATURDAY – “Live” Big Band Jazz in Haslingfield – in aid of Parkinson UK

We are delighted to welcome back the Blues Skies Big Band to Haslingfield Village Hall this Saturday 7 October – 7.30 pm for 8.00 pm start. Tickets at £10 each on sale at: at Haslingfield Village Shop & Country Kitchen and from Caroline on: 01223 870049. For further information  Read more

Haslingfield Artist and author, Ophelia Redpath at a Charity Literary Lunch

Home-Start Royston & South Cambridgeshire will be hosting a Literary Lunch on Tuesday, 17th October. Local entertainer and Home-Start’s ‘Poet in Residence’ Jude Simpson will be hosting a chat with Ophelia Redpath, Haslingfield artist and author of ‘The Lemur’s Tale’.

The event will be held at The Old Bull Inn, Royston. Tickets are £15 to include a buffet lunch. Please arrive for 12.15pm for lunch and then sit back, relax and enjoy the chat from 1pm – 2.15pm – with time for questions. 

To buy tickets, please click or call the Home-Start office on 01763 262262, email To find out more about Home-Start Read more

Saturday 7 October: “Live” Charity Jazz Concert in aid of Parkinson UK

The Blue Skies Big Band will be playing at Haslingfield Village Hall again next Saturday 7 October at 8.00 pm for a one-night only “Jazz Special”The concert will raise funds for Parkinsons UK and is in association with Haslingfield Little Theatre.

To buy your tickets at £10 each, please click here.There are also some available in Haslingfield Village Shop, Country Kitchen, or from Caroline on: 01223 870049. For more details about this fantastic event, please click Read more

Blue Skies Big Band returns to Haslingfield: 7 October

The Blue Skies Big Band will be playing at Haslingfield Village Hall again on Saturday 7 October for a one-night only “Jazz Special”. The concert will raise funds for Parkinsons UK.

You can buy your tickets at £10 each from Haslingfield Village Shop, Country Kitchen, or from Caroline on: 01223 870049. For more details about this fantastic event, please click  Read more

3 September – Cream Tea at the Dovecote

Come and enjoy a traditional cream tea with freshly-baked scones, jam and cream this Sunday 3 September between 2.30 p.m. and 5.30 p.m in the informal woodland garden of The Dovecote 29 High Street, Haslingfield. All proceeds to Parkinson’s UK.

Haslingfield Little Theatre Poetry Evening – Friday 8 September

Make a date to enjoy a calm, relaxing evening listening to some wonderful poems being read by Haslingield Little Theatre members, sitting around cafe-style tables – just the way to end a busy week! Everyone is welcome to come along – just bring your own drinks, nibbles will be provided.

When:  Friday, 8 September at 7.30 pm
Where: Haslingfield Village Hall
                                     Cost:     £1 payable on the night

Hare & Hounds, Harlton – Latest News

The Hare and Hounds Steering Group are delighted to tell you that they have now exchanged contracts on the purchase of the Hare and Hounds.  They will complete on Wednesday 6th September. Unfortunately, the news on potential tenants is not as good.  Their search for the right tenant continues. They will keep you informed on progress.

Cream Tea at the Dovecote

On Sunday 3 September between 2.00 p.m. and 5.30 p.m. you will be able to enjoy a traditional cream tea with freshly-baked scones, jam and cream, in the informal woodland garden of The Dovecote 29 High Street, Haslingfield. All proceeds to Parkinson’s UK.

Please put the date in your diary/calendar!

Haslingfield Little Theatre – Open Auditions for OLIVER coming up soon!

On Monday 17 July, we will be holding the Read-through for Lionel Bart’s musical, Oliver! This will be followed by Open Auditions on Thursday 20 July. Both will take place at Haslingfield Village Hall at 7.30 pm. If you are interested in being involved in this exciting production, on stage or as part of the production team, you are very welcome come along! Read more

Beauty & Therapy Fayre

The Beauty and Therapy Fayre will be taking place at Haslingfield Village Hall on 16 September 2017. To find out more about holding a stall at this exciting event, please click Read more