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Country Kitchen Update (14 April)

country kitchen logo“We hope you’ve enjoyed a relaxing Easter in the glorious weather, even if it wasn’t the Easter you thought you’d be having. Certainly our Country Kitchen staff feel a bit more rested after the extra day’s break we enjoyed after an incredibly busy Good Friday, when we despatched (among other things) 120 Hot Cross buns! Read more

Country Kitchen Update (Sunday 5 April)

country kitchen logoThank you for your continued support while we all try and work through this pandemic. Country Kitchen will continue to trade, but our preference will be for telephone and email orders. Please check our twitter feed (which is also on our website on the Home page) for details of our stock levels. Read more

Country Kitchen Update (Sunday 29 March)

country kitchen logo“Thank you for your continued support while we all try and work through this pandemic. The system of serving customers from the door, taking orders via telephone and email (for you to pick-up, or local delivery for self-isolators) continues to be refined, and is going pretty well! Inevitably, this is a much more tiring way of operating than usual, and we’ve reduced our opening hours slightly again. New opening hours are 10 – 3 Monday to Friday and 9 – 3 on Saturday. This gives us extra time to have processed the morning deliveries, and make a head-start on deliveries before the doors open.  

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Bedding Plant Sale Cancelled

We are sorry to announce that due to the current government advice the village plant sale has been CANCELLED. Cheques that have been posted through the door will be destroyed. We apologise for the inconvenience and hope we’ll be back with it next year.

Country Kitchen UPDATE – 24 March

country kitchen logoThank you to everyone for adhering to the new measures we put in place today to protect the CK ladies as well as customers. It’s tough for everyone, and a LOT of hard work to serve customers at the door. Bear with us while we refine our methods.

Opening Hours are now 9 – 3, to try and keep up with all the additional burdens the new working practices are placing on us. Rest assured, we’re doing everything we can to keep going during these difficult times. To recap: Read more

Village Shop – Update from Pop

Anyone using Haslingfield and Barrington stores have to cover their face with scarf or mask otherwise you will be refused entry unfortunately. And only 4 customers at a time. Please ask before you enter. Thank you

Important Message – Country Kitchen

country kitchen logoAt Country Kitchen, we’ve implemented the following extraordinary measures this morning, in a bid to keep everyone safer, help to prevent virus transmission and to hopefully allow us to continue providing food to our valued customers. Read more

Haslingfield Post Office & Shop – New Message from Pop

Please use the Post Office as little as possible. Then we can fill the shelves. Both our shops and post offices are open as usual. Please co-operate.

Only 6 customers at a time at a distance to keep everyone safe. Please co-operate. One in – one out basis. So please ask before you come in. We are trying our best to serve our lovely community.

NHS staff will get priority as they are doing long shifts and shouldn’t have to wait and 10% discount for them. Thank you.

Keep calm and hunker down!

Haslingfield is a wonderful, caring community…

Representatives of the Parish council, Warden Scheme, Luncheon Club, Community Car Scheme, Churches and Church & Village Magazine have met to gather information to see how we can look after the safety and well-being of the vulnerable residents of Haslingfield.

We aim to set up a group of volunteers to maintain contact with anyone isolated, and to help where needed. Read more

Cambridge City Foodbank: A Different Way to Help

It is extremely important to remember everyone who uses the Foodbank. In 2019, 9,243 three-day emergency food supplies were given to people in crises, and the need continues. We have seen so many pictures of people stockpiling, but for others it is a case of hoping to be able to feed their families. The Foodbank is always grateful for your support, but maybe you could think of doing it in a different way – by donating money! This way, urgently needed goods can be bought.

There are 2 ways of helping: Donate with Virgin Money Giving (the charity’s preferred option) where 100% of your donation goes to the charity. To donate, please click here. OR set up a standing order here. Both of these options can be cancelled at any time. Read more