Notes from Haslingfield Annual Parish Meeting Wednesday May 19th 2010

There were 36 people present.

Apologies were received from Michael Coles.

The minutes of the meeting held on June 1st 2009 were read and agreed.

Matters Arising – work on Wisbey’s Yard has started, completion is due March 2011.

A box culvert under the old railway bridge between Haslingfield and Barton is recommended by the University Estate Management department.  Work to commence autumn 2010 to remove trees and shrubs, construction work to commence march 2011.

Cambridge Horizons have awarded £1,500 towards the administrative costs of Trumpington Meadows.

The Chairman, Marjorie Richardson commented on how nice it was to see so many people in attendance.  She then thanked members of the Parish Council for all their hard work throughout the year, particularly Barry Robinson, John Lowe, Guy Wilson and Sheila Walker who had retired from the council during the last twelve months.  New councillors Angela Taylor, David Slight, John Woodhouse and Lucian Hatfield were welcomed.

Particular thanks were expressed to David Slight who has now set up the village website, and to the Parish Clerk for her support during the year, and to the volunteers who help out with jobs particularly the environment committee.

CEMEX are planning to return part of the quarry back to agricultural land, but are retaining the mineral rights.

The Clerk presented the annual audited accounts.  The cost of Playground inspections was explained.  There were no questions.  The adoption of the accounts was proposed by Liz Heazell and seconded by Wendy Timbs, all in favour

The Pavilion Accounts were presented by Christine Tod.  Two groups were no longer using the hall on a regular basis – the Tuesday Art Club and the Flower arranging group.  One new group for mothers and toddlers ’The Little Footsteps’ which is Government sponsored meet on a weekly basis.  The hall had been completely redecorated during the year and new lights fitted.

The deficit for the year was £685.07p

Adoption of the accounts was proposed by John Offord and seconded by John Wheelhouse, all in favour.

Report from South Cambs District Councillor Liz Heazell

Since last year council tenants had voted overwhelmingly against transferring their homes to a housing association.

The system for collecting waste material is about to change with the introduction in October of blue bins.  The rate of increase in council tax for 2010/2011 is 2.9973% fractionally below the capping level of 3%. Rents are to be put up beyond the government recommended percentage.  New council tenants will have to pay an extra £13.30 per week.  These extra receipts will fund keeping the existing sheltered scheme going for now.

There is to be a design code meeting for Trumpington Meadows on Monday 24th May

Report from County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley

Still no date for the opening of the Guided bus, several major faults to be corrected before it can be opened.  There is some doubt as to whether Northstowe will now be built which means there will be no contribution from this development towards the guided Busway.  Rural villages suffered particularly from the hard winter with lack of gritting and the number of potholes created.  Comberton Village College has been given consent to set up a 6th form for 350 students.  There are to be budget cuts to the value of £30m affecting libraries, adult social care and youth services.  It is reported that Toft day care centre will no longer provide day care.  SK is working hard to ensure that proper care is provided for the elderly.

A question was asked about the number of staff sacked over the guided bus – the answer was none

Open Forum

There were no questions – Pam Holt expressed a vote of thanks to the Parish Council for the work that they do

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