Haslingfield Village Society Talk, Tuesday 14th November, 8.00 pm, Haslingfield Village Hall

A Horrible History of Bells and Bellringing 
The talk will cover the history of bells from ancient times through to the modern day and the peculiar set of circumstances that led to the English art of change ringing.

Tom Ridgman will discuss the tensions between secular ringing, ringing for entertainment and/or money, and ringing as part of the mission of the church, particularly the activities of the Belfry Reform movement in the 1860’s that lead to the organisational structure of bell ringing today. He will reveal some of the mysteries and the history behind the bells in our own church of All Saints’ Haslingfield.

A Professional Engineer and Amateur Bell Hanger, Tom took up ringing in 1987 and bell restoration in 1995.  Together with the Hunts Church Bell Restoration Team he has worked with over 140 churches in the Ely Diocese

Everyone is very welcome. Members and children are free, £2.50 visitors. Incl. Refreshments.

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