Operation Hunter – a crime prevention event organised by the Police and NHW Tuesday 6th June between 5pm – 8pm

The police will be here in Haslingfield during the day, officers will be patrolling key areas of the village to increase awareness of security, and promote the event in the village hall between 5pm – 8pm.

James Sutherland, Area Commander for South Cambs is due to give a brief talk regarding home security measures, including some advice regarding cyber- crime at 6pm.  Please join us! For more information click on READ MORE.

The talk is expected to be streamed over the internet for those who are unable to attend in person.

On the day there will be a link sent out via the police Twitter account @southcambscops and residents and others can click on the link to view the Area Commanders talk.

Between 5pm – 8pm residents will be able to buy discounted security products, get advice and book a free home security visit by the police, if they wish.  (N.B. Purchases, etc., will not be able to take place during the Area Commanders talk).

There will also be guides and leaflets available from the Neighbourhood Watch Association and the chance to talk to one of our NHW Street Co-ordinators.

If you would like to be a NHW Street Co-ordinator for your road (or part of your road) then please drop in, see us and pick up some information on how to set up a NHW Scheme for your area. Or, you can contact Teresa Harrold, Village NHW Co-ordinator on tel: 870923 or,  e-mail: teresa@harrold.biz

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