Colts Thro to Cup Second Round

Haslingfield Colts won 5-1 away at Steeple Bumpstead in the first round of the League Cup on Saturday 1st October 2011. It’s the first time the Colts have ever won a cup game. This all happend after they went one-nil down. Here are the match stats:-
After 4 minutes Marcus Papani scored for Steeple Bumpstead
After 5 minutes Sam Roberts scored for Haslingfield
After 19 minutes Liam Fairley scored for Haslingfield
After 31 minutes Sam Roberts scored again for Haslingfield
After 40 minutes Liam Fairley scored a penalty for Haslingfield after the ball was handled in the box
After 43 minutes Liam Fairley scored again for Haslingfield
Score at Halftime Steeple Bumpstead 1-2 Haslingfield and at Fulltime Steeple Bumpstead 1-5 Haslingfield

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