Parish Council Minutes

Minutes of meeting held on Monday January 10th 2011

Present –Marjorie Richardson (In the chair), David Blake, Martin Heazell, Margaret Long, Olga Murkin, John Offord, David Slight, Wendy Timbs , John Wheelhouse

District Councillor Liz Heazell was in attendance

There were no members of the public present

1      Apologies for absence – Christine Kipping, Lucian Hatfield and Sebastian Kindersley

2      Members Declaration of Interest – none

3      Open Forum – none

4      Minutes of meeting held on Dec. 13th were agreed and signed, prop. by WT seconded by  OM

5      Matters to be reported from these minutes –

It has been suggested by Karen Lunn CCC that the proposed yellow lines around the school be   extended into Church St.  This to be reviewed by the working party.

Signatures witnessed on Section 106 payment papers for 62 High St

The IT Planning Forum held recently at SCDC was attended by JW.  Problems with the system were encountered by all parishes.  Several points were raised to improve the system and it is hoped these will be implemented.  The notification to the PC in advance of planning applications being registered was discussed, the idea of sending planning applications online to the clerk would create printing problems, it is hoped to restore mapping of applications.  Comments on the system can be sent to  The next meeting will be held in April

6      Planning

S/1706/10, Alterations to staircase and first floor balustrade, The Manor  recommended

Permission granted for an open carport at 14 Church St

7      Additional Matters for discussion

Rectory Farm Hauxton – the withdrawal of permissive paths in this area to be investigated-LH

The Section 106 payments for 30 New Road will not be paid until the 8th dwelling is ready for     occupation.  4 councillors will shortly be attending training courses.  Several problems were reported with the construction team at 30 New Rd – CCC Highways dealing.  A membership certificate from Cambridgeshire ACRE will be displayed in the lobby of the     Village Hall.  Keith Ellis is retiring from his duties at the recreation ground.  Roy Brown will be taking over.  ML suggested that a notice board giving information on the Haslingfield entries in the Domesday Book could be erected.  More information required. Two reports of dog fouling on the Play Area

Julie Ayre from SCDC gave an update on the Trumpington Meadows development.  The first planning application for 350 houses should be received from Barratt Homes by the end of January, 70 of these homes would be in Haslingfield Parish.  It is intended to have a public exhibition/presentation in the village hall illustrating the plans (28th February?).  The planning application for the school should be submitted towards the end of February.  Plans have now been drawn up showing various routes a cycleway between Haslingfield and the development might take.  A joint meeting with Trumpington Residents Association will take place shortly to discuss street names.  It has been decided not to remove the Lord’s Bridge barrier from alongside the M11.  The cost would be around £100K and with little effect.

8      County Councillors Report – joint report with District Councillor

9      District Councillors Report – Councillors were asked to advise the Clerk of roads and paths in need of urgent repair.  These to be conveyed to CCC Highways.  A by election will be taking place at SCDC following the resignation of one member.  The overall majority will be lost for a while.  All budgets will be affected this year as the Government grant was £1.7m less than expected.  It was agreed that all the work should take place at Wisbey’s Yard pond paid for by HPC

10   Committee and Working party Reports

A – Environment  – a map is being prepared showing paths in Haslingfield and the surrounding areas, this should be published within the next few months

B – Pavilion  – Fred Lawes is prepared to clear and tidy the area around the Badcock Memorial on the recreation ground-this was agreed

C – Allotments – There are no environmental problems with keeping pigs on the allotments on a temporary basis.  Permission does not need to be obtained for a sty as long as it is not permanent.  Local residents should be advised of the proposal.

11     Parish Forum at Cambourne Wed 19th January  attendees – WT, JW and the Clerk

12    Correspondence

South Cambs Traffic Management Area Joint Committee Monday 17th January

Gamlingay Police panel on Wednesday 19th January 7pm

Extended Schools Partnership meetings 18.1.11 and 19.1.11 – no one available

13    Open spaces questionnaire – areas to be considered for inclusion in the new government designation to protect green areas of particular interest to local communities should be given to the Clerk by January 31st.

14    Finance

Resolution to pay of outstanding accounts proposed by JO seconded by OM

Grant received from SCDC for £260 towards cost of Wellhouse Meadow Wall                             

15    Date of next meeting Monday February 14th 2011

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Comments (1)

  • John Miller


    Please could the Chair advise where and when the annual PC accounts are published.


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