Burglary in Haslingfield & Local Police Newsletter

Between the 8th November at 12pm and the 9th November at 6.45pm, a property in Cantelupe Road, Haslingfield, was broken into.  Unknown offender(s) have gained entry into the property by forcing open a wooden framed door frame in the rear conservatory.  A search has been conducted and so far it is known that electrical items have been stolen. Please pass this information onto your Neighbourhood Watch members and if you or your members have any information in relation to this incident which you think may be useful please do not hesitate to call 0345 456 456 4, or contact Holly Chandler on the details below.

Holly Chandler
Watch Scheme Support Officer
Southern Division
Cambridge Constabulary
Switchboard: 0345 456 456 4  Ext: 3314
Email: holly.chandler@cambs.pnn.police.uk

Also here is the Gamlingay Panel October NHW Newsletter for October2010 which mentions the issue of obstructive parking outside Haslingfield School.

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