East West Rail 2nd Non-Statutory Consultation Open until 9th June

EWR Co’s consultation opened yesterday. They are consulting on a single route alignment for Haslingfield and Harlton which is part of a 7km long elevated section from north of The Eversdens to somewhere east of Harston. With the exception of an up to 17m deep cutting on Chapel Hill the rest of the proposed route seems to be about at or about 10m above local ground level so at or above rooftop height. The proposed track crosses the Harlton to Haslingfield road just outside Harlton and has an underpass for road traffic. There is a map of the route here and a section plan here. The rest of the consultation can be found here.

EWR Co. aim to run a 4 to 6 trains an hour passenger service each way all day. They have explained to us that slow freight trains are not compatible with fast passenger trains on the timetable. The line will support freight.

The local press and TV are interested in this section since it seems to be one of the most impacted in EWR Co’s proposal and Cambridge Approaches have done interviews with the Cambridge Independent here and ITV News talking about the potential impact on the local area. We have also talked to several local house and landowners who have been sent maps in the post of how their land would be affected.

If you are aware of people without internet connections that can phone EWRCo. on 0330 1340067  and ask for a paper copy of the 9 relevant documents to be sent  to their address. 



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