Country Kitchen Update (Sunday 29 March)

Quick update on our products and offerings – to enable us to maintain the 2m distance in the kitchen, and to work at safe distances from each other in the shop, we’re no longer making up freshly filled baguettes. We’re still cooking them, but feel that it’s safer for you to make up your own baguettes at home. The blackboards outside will be kept updated daily with all the home-made food on offer. Generally, we still make pizza breads, sausage rolls (phew!)and deli salads. We also have scotch eggs, and we’re making a small amount of tray bakes, which we freeze into individual portions; particularly for our regular customers relying on a daily ‘ready meal’.
Stock levels are generally holding up well. We’re still requesting that customers limit eggs to a half dozen each and we unfortunately have low stocks of flour and yeast. Our lovely suppliers have delivered us loads of pasta, and we’re expecting a delivery on Monday of oatly, almond, soya and rice milk, as well as all our usual varieties of tinned beans. We’re relieved to report that we’re receiving daily deliveries of fresh fruit and veg, meat and milk.
Quick reminder that cash exposes us all much more to the virus, and we continue to request payment via card (contactless preferred).
And finally……It’s coming up to our 7 year anniversary of opening Country Kitchen – no birthday cake, balloons or great celebrations for us this year unfortunately, but we’ll save that for a happier occasion, when hugs are allowed again and normality reigns. Suffice to say, we appreciate all our customers enormously, and value your support these past 7 years. Goes without saying we appreciate your support now, and also the words of gratitude and thanks we’ve had for remaining open, for bearing with us re the limitations, and best of all, for observing the government guidelines to try and get through this pandemic as quickly as possible.
Stay safe and well!”
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