Haslingfield Parish Council Agenda – 12 October 2020

The Haslingfield Parish Council Meeting will be taking place this Monday 12th October at 7.30 pm. Note that this is a virtual meeting. To see the agenda, please click: 20201012 Agenda HPC Meeting

Comments (2)

  • Roger Jackson


    Why is CERN able to compensate for trains on the TGV railway line in and out of Geneva, whereas the MRAO/Cambridge University, is unable to countenance the notion that the East-West railway line will come anywhere near its radio telescopes? What is more important – a small number of curious PhD students looking for ET, or the quality of life os thousands of local residents?


  • Roger Jackson


    Hello, I hope you are all well.
    What is HPC doing to mobilise and lead and the village opposition to the proposed East West Railway line?
    The preferred route, favoured by Grant Shapps, The Transport Secretary, will take the line down School Lane, blighting the quality of life, of all 2000+ residents of Haslingfield.
    Best regards
    Roger Jackson


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