All Saints’ Church

Services for December 2017


Sunday 3rd December      9.30am
All Age Service with Baptism

Thursday 7th December   7.00pm
Advent Taizé Service

Sunday 10th  December   9.30am
Holy Communion  with Sunday Club
 DIY Nativity followed by party tea

Sunday 17th December    9.30am
Holy Communion with Sunday Club
                                             6.00 pm
Village Carol Service  ( Donations from retiring collection to Christian Aid)

Sunday 24th December 
Crib & Christingle Service
Midnight Communion Service

Saturday 25th December    10am
All Age Holy Communion

Sunday 31st December  10.30am
United Team Service for New Year’s Eve at St Peter’s Church Barton
(NB no service at All Saints’ that day)

Every Tuesday (except Boxing Day)
Morning Prayers

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