Haslingfield Population from 2001 to 2011

Haslingfield PopulationThe data for this graph derived from the 2001 census and 2011 census. Our population is declining and the average age is going up. Over the same time period there were 10 more dwellings (630 in 2001 and 640 in 2011) so the average number of people per dwelling fell from 2.46 to 2.36. There was an update in 2012 showing the population had risen again to 1520 and the number of dwelling was up to 660. So the average number of people per dwelling had fallen a bit further to 2.30.

Over the same period the population of Cambridgeshire rose 12.4% and Cambridge itself rose by 13.8%.

Not sure if this is good or bad, but it is interesting.

This information is taken from http://www.cambridgeshireinsight.org.uk/

Comments (1)



    Dear Sir,
    Interesting reading. As an OAP I would fit in the growing group.
    Are there similar figures on the socio-economic profile over the years?
    As always residents are most welome to visit an ‘ol’ village boy’, and enjoy
    southwest France.
    Yours sincerely,
    Neville James Cole.


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