Connecting Cambridgeshire : Haslingfield

Many premises in Haslingfield are included in the Connecting Cambridgeshire programme. This means that, by the end of 2015, there will be improvements to the broadband infrastructure that will enable many homes and businesses to receive superfast broadband speeds (minimum 24Mbps)* while others will be able to receive fibre broadband speeds of between 2Mbps and 24 Mbps

For those premises within the Connecting Cambridgeshire programme, superfast broadband is forecast to be available in your area between June and December 2014 over more than one phase. This could be because premises in your area are served by more than one exchange and/or different technologies may be used.

The scheduling for each phase depends upon the outcome of surveys and more detailed planning so we cannot be more precise until these are completed. We will be updating the website regularly as the information becomes available.

The broadband speed you will get depends on a number of factors including the length of your line from the telephone exchange or green roadside cabinet, the line quality, and the equipment and internal wiring within your premises.

Connecting Cambridgeshire is working to ensure that everyone in the Connecting Cambridgeshire programme gets as fast a speed as possible given their geographical location. Some premises may be particularly hard to reach meaning that a connection to the fibre network may not be possible.  Where appropriate, alternative technology may be used to provide broadband connectivity (minimum 2Mbps). These technologies are likely to be delivered later in the roll-out – but still before the end of 2015.


Posted on behalf of Ron Van Der Hoorn


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