Distraction Burglaries near Haslingfield.

A number of burglaries occurred yesterday (Monday 21st May) which are being linked and  involved the unusual method of impersonating police officers to gain entry to homes.

Offences have been reported in Huntingdon, Welney, Norfolk,  High Street, Barton, Wadloes Road, Cambridge and Holme Way, Sawston.  In 4 cases either 3 or 4 white males, some dressed in what is described as police uniform with the word ‘police’ displayed on outer jackets, entered homes claiming to be police and needing to search the property as part of ongoing investigations. No identification was produced.


All the offences occurred between 1pm and 6pm. A black car was seen at 2 locations and it’s likely that these persons visited other parts of the district  and were travelling together.


Did you see any suspicious vehicles in your area yesterday?  Can you add anything to the above information? If so,  please let us know by telephoning 101.


Please make your neighbours aware these crimes. If  suspicious behaviour is seen and happening, please ring 999 straight away.


P.S. Police officers conducting genuine enquires will always properly explain the nature of their visit and produce identification. Please encourage your members to always ask  for identification, although we do understand how intimidating these criminals can be.


Many thanks,


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