Village Society

The Society aims to stimulate interest in and maintain the historic character of the village and to develop and improve its amenities and environment.   A feeling of community is fostered by arranging informative open meetings, normally on the third Tuesday of each month at 8.00 p.m. in the Village Centre, on a wide range of subjects of local and general interest.  In addition there are purely social get-togethers such as theatre trips and wine tasting evenings.  The Society  takes part in the biennial Village Festival and is responsible for maintaining a comprehensive Village Archive, the contents of which are exhibited from time to time and put on display at the Old Bake House on Well House Meadow once a month in the summer.  Many extracts from the archives, including old photographs, can be found at ‘Haslingfield/History’ on the web site.

HVS News            Programme of Events            The Bake House             Publications


Michael Hendy, Chairman                       
Jay Cole, Secretary                                      
Graham Kipping, Membership Secretary
Louisa Curnow, Treasurer                        
Jennifer Staples, Outings                         
John Beresford, Archivist                        


Comments (5)

  • Graham Kipping


    Meetings start at 8pm details are posted on Village Society page on this site, membership is £12.50 per year


  • Ron


    Hi Charles
    They normally start at 7:30pm.


  • Charles Van Heyningen


    I have found out that the next talk is on the 28th November but cannot find what it’s on .
    Please tell me. Thanks


  • V. Riddleston


    Sorry not owls but bowls interested in owls too.


  • V.riddleston


    I maybe moving to your area is there a owls club near by?


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