Haslingfield Village Hall
The Village Hall is a modern building, used as a social centre and sports pavilion. It has a large hall with a fixed stage and stage curtains, comprehensive stage lighting, window blackouts and a lighting control room. There is a small meeting room with tea making facilities. Also a well equipped kitchen and free WiFi. The main hall has easy wheel chair access and a built-in sound system including a hearing loop. The car park is tarmac and all paths are paved for easy access.
The Village Hall is located at the junction of High Street and New Road (postcode CB23 1JP). It has a modern children’s playground, tennis courts, football and cricket grounds, and skateboard park. It is well used by local clubs and societies. It is available to hire for adult and children’s parties, lunches, wedding receptions and musical events.
For more information on the history of the hall see : https://haslingfieldvillage.co.uk/haslingfield-village-hall-history/
There are two rooms available for hire:
The Main Hall which has a side room and kitchen (max 180 people standing or 130 people seated)
The Red Room, a meeting room for about 20 people with tea making facilities. Please note that the Red Room is upstairs and is only accessible by a flight of stairs. If main kitchen is required, please check availibility before booking.
Hire Charges
The Main Hall – £12 per hour (£11 for Haslingfield residents)
Minimum booking 3 hours.
All day bookings £165 (£150 for Haslingfield residents)
The Red Room (upstairs) – £8 per hour (£7 for Haslingfield residents)
Minimum booking 3 hours
Use the online booking system to find a suitable date and make a provisional booking.
Or contact the bookings clerk for a provisional booking on bookingsvillagehall@haslingfieldparishcouncil.gov.uk or 07541 281583.
Payment must be made by electronic transfer to the account on the booking form. Use “your name and the date of the booking” as the reference.
Bookings are on a first come, first served basis.
Bookings assume you have accepted the Conditions of hire, which describe what you can and cannot do and special rules, for example for bouncy castles.
The Badcock Recreation Ground Trust (charity number 300398) is responsible for the oversight, care and maintenance of the Village Hall and the playing fields. The Trust is comprised of representatives of the Parish Council and other trustees. It administers funds derived from user fees for running costs and regular building maintenance. Major repairs, upkeep of the playing fields and capital expenditures are referred to the Parish Council.
Chairman: Jenny Jullien, chairmanvillagehall@haslingfieldparishcouncil.gov.uk
Administrator: Michaela Joycroft, adminvillagehall@haslingfieldparishcouncil.gov.uk