Privacy & Cookies Policy

In common with most web sites, this site automatically logs information about every request made of it. This information is used for system administration, for bug tracking, and for producing usage statistics. The logged information may be kept indefinitely, but is likely to be purged automatically after a period of time.

Relevant subsets of these data may be passed to computer security teams as part of investigations of computer misuse involving this site or other computing equipment. Data may also on occasion be passed to the administrators of other computer systems to enable investigation of problems accessing this site or of system misconfigurations. Otherwise the logged information is not passed to any third party except if required by law. If you add a comment to the site your email address is not displayed and only used by Administrators if correspondence is required.

Summary statistics may be extracted from this data and some of these may be made publicly available, but those that are do not include information from which individuals could be identified. The data collected is merely a subset of the data freely supplied by those connecting to this site. This site does not attempt to gather data in an active fashion.

For the purpose of the UK Data Protection Act 1998, the ‘Data Controller’ for the processing of data collected by this site is the Haslingfield Village Website Admin Team.

What are Cookies?

A cookie is a small text file stored on your computer when you visit certain web pages. Cookies do lots of different and useful jobs, such as remembering your preferences and generally improving your online experience. At we use cookies to keep track of page visits and to remember your preferences when you return to our site.

Cookies are useful because they help us arrange the content and layout of our site and recognise those computers that have been to our pages before. They allow us to remember your preference settings and play an important role in helping us to enhance the usability and performance of our site and your experience using them. Some cookies are also essential to enable you to move around our site and use its features. They also help us to identify which of our pages are the most popular and the types of journey visitors have to our website.

Our Cookie Policy

Our cookies don’t store sensitive or personally identifiable information, but we do use encrypted information gathered from them to help improve your experience of the site. To make full use of the features on, your device will need to accept cookies, as we can only provide you with certain personalised features of this site by using them.

Please note that our cookies can’t harm your computer but if you don’t wish to enable cookies, you’ll still be able to browse and use our site. If you’d prefer to restrict, block or delete cookies from, you can use your browser to do this. Each browser is different, so check the ‘Help’ menu of your particular browser (or official documentation) to learn how to change your cookie preferences.

Here’s a list of the main cookies we use, and what we use them for:

Cookie name Cookie purpose
WordPress Cookies (PHPSESSID, comment_author, comment_author_email, wp-settings, wp-settings-time, wordpress_test_cookie, wfvt_,) Our website uses the WordPress content management system and uses various cookies for different tasks.For example, Cookies are used if an ‘anonymous’ user leaves a comment – WP then puts your name, your email address ,and subscribe preference in three separate cookies. They are just to store those details to save the user having to enter them again for a subsequent comment.
WordPress Plugins Cookies (vc_widget_generic-expert) We use popular WordPress plugins and add-ons to add extra functionality and improve layouts. Some Cookies are used in Contact forms,

Third Party Cookies

When you visit our website you may notice some cookies that aren’t related to If you visit a web page that contains embedded content, for example a weather widget, news feed or calendar, you may be sent cookies from these websites. We don’t control the setting of these cookies, so we suggest you check the third-party websites for more information about their cookies and how to manage them.

Other cookies you may encounter within this site are:

Cookie name What their cookies are used for
WT_FPC, style, ACOOKIE The Met Office weather widget is used on our site and there are some third party cookies set by and from It would seem that the Met Office are using WebTrends Live for analytics purposes. For more information, visit How cookies are used by the Met Office.
_utma, _utmb,_utmc, _utmz These cookies enable the function of Google Analytics which are primarily used to track visits. This helps us to analyse visitor information such as page hits, where a visitor came from, browser usage, each user’s amount of visits, new visitor numbers and to check approximately how long you stay on our site. That information helps us to improve our website and your experience. The data stored by these cookies can be seen only by the relevant admin and Google and never shows any confidential information.
Google Calendar Cookies These cookies are used by to generate content and determine individual preferences for display and in-built functions. Visit the following link to learn more about How Google uses cookies.