Haslingfield Little Owls Preschool

Little Owls Preschool Logo

Haslingfield Little Owls Pre-school, based at Haslingfield Methodist Church, offers quality care and education for children aged 2 to 4 years (inc). The Pre-school works in partnership with parents to help children learn and develop, whilst adding to the life and well-being of the local community.

Our opening times from September 2022 are:

Monday – Wednesday: 9 am – 3 pm
Thursday: 9 am – 1 pm
Closed on Fridays.

Haslingfield Little Owls is a registered charity (Charity number 1032603). A management committee oversees Little Owls and employs the staff. The staff report to Kayleigh Kearns, who is the Manager and Kayleigh reports to the Chair of the Management Committee.

See more at: https://www.haslingfieldlittleowls.org.uk/

Haslingfield Little Owls is regulated by Ofsted who carry out inspection visits within their normal regime. The results of all our Ofsted inspections are available at: http://www.haslingfieldpreschool.org/ and www.ofsted.gov.uk. Our reference number is EY555580.

Haslingfield Little Owls became a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) in Sept 2017, our Ofsted reference number before this date was EY467258. For information/ inspection reports pre- Sept-2017, please use this old reference number.

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