Colts Youth Football

Haslingfield Colts Football Club is now bigger than ever before for the September 2019 to May 2020 season. We have teams playing at every age group from under 11 (school year 6) to under 7 (school year 2), with training sessions on offer for children in reception and year 1.  In all, nearly 100 children enjoy football at the club.  The home pitch for all the teams is Haslingfield Recreation Ground on New Road in the village.

Supporters are always welcome.  The club adheres to all FA regulations and all volunteers are DBS/CRB checked.

Phil Golden


Comments (2)

  • Mary-Ann Hansen


    Hi there, do you have space for a year 2 boy? Unfortunately there is no space in our village team. Could you let me know What day training is? I assume that matches on a Saturday?



  • Rebecca


    This is such a fabulous website, however as an out of town mum needing to take her child to football this morning all I needed as the postcode!

    Just a suggestion for your next update perhaps?? Out of Haslingfield people use your website


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