Haslingfield Little Theatre Youth Fund

HLT logo 2Did you know that Haslingfield Little Theatre has a Youth Fund? The purpose of the Fund is to promote the involvement of young people from 8 to 18 years old in the performing arts. The fund is open for children from Haslingfield, Harlton and those connected via Haslingfield Young Little Theatre. At present the sum available is £200. The amount awarded is at the discretion of the Haslingfield Little Theatre (HLT) Committee. For more details, please click here

Use your skills to join Little Theatre Make-up Team!

HLT logo 2Do you have any experience face-painting or applying stage make-up? Haslingfield Little Theatre are looking for someone to complete their make-up team for their forthcoming production of Peter Pan on 24, 25 and 26 November at Haslingfield Village Hall. To find out more about what would be involved, please ring Caroline a.s.a.p. on: 01223 870049 or email her at: carolineboggust@yahoo.co.uk

Peter Pan Tickets Available Now!

final-peter-pan-poster-jpgTickets are now available for Haslingfield Little Theatre’s next production: Peter Pan – the original play by JM Barrie. Performances will take place at Haslingfield Village Hall on Thursday 24 November, Friday 25 November and Saturday 26 November. Children in the audience are very welcome to dress up as their favourite Peter Pan character.

UPDATE AT 4 NOVEMBER: Matinee tickets are now SOLD OUT, and Friday evening performance – ONE TICKET LEFT in Haslingfield Village Shop. Tickets still available for Thursday and Saturday night performances.

Tickets are £9 each (concessions at £6 – no concessions Saturday evening). Please click here to buy your tickets.

Read more

Live Theatre in Haslingfield – Tonight & Tomorrow Night (20 & 21 May)

Thank you to our incredible audience at last night’s opening night of our hilarious farce, Ken Ludwig’s Lend Me A Tenor at Haslingfield Village Hall – it was an amazing evening…

There are still tickets available for the remaining two performances (20 & 21 May – 7.45 pm) at: www.haslingfieldlittletheatre.co.uk. NB Online ticket sales close at 5.45 pm, but there may be a few available on the door from 7.00 pm. Read more

On This Week – Haslingfield Little Theatre’s Hilarious Farce!

On 19, 20 & 21 May, Haslingfield Little Theatre will be performing the hilarious farce, Ken Ludwig’s Lend Me A Tenor in the Village Hall. After many weeks of intense rehearsal and two weekends of set-building, the stage is looking great, the actors are all poised to go, and looking forward to welcoming you to see this brilliant comedy. To get a real flavour of the play, please click here to see some Preview Photos.

Tickets cost £9/£6 concessions (under 16s and 65+, no concessions 21 May). For more details and to buy your tickets online, please click here. Tickets also on sale in the Village Shop or Country Kitchen. For teens upwards.

Photo Preview – Haslingfield Little Theatre’s Riotous new Comedy

HLT logo 2With less than a month before opening night for Ken Ludwig’s Lend Me A Tenor, the Haslingfield Little Theatre cast and production team are in full swing. If you haven’t bought your tickets yet – 19, 20, 21 May, Haslingfield Village Hall – they are available at: www.haslingfieldlittletheatre.co.uk.

For some shots of last night’s uproarious rehearsal, click Read more

TICKETS ON SALE – Haslingfield Little Theatre’s HILARIOUS COMEDY….

lend me a tenor final final versionYou can now buy your tickets for our latest play – Ken Ludwig’s Lend Me A Tenor, a hilarious comedy for teens upwards, at Haslingfield Village Hall on 19, 20, 21 May.

“A furiously paced comedy…with wonderful farcical moments” Time Out, NY.
“Fills the theatre with the sound of laughter”. Sunday Express
“The most inventive, original farce in a long time.” Punch

Tickets cost £9/£6 concessions. To buy your tickets now, please click here.

Blue Skies Big Band Concert – February

WBlue Skies Big Band Photo - Feb 2016e are delighted that February’s Blue Skies Big Band Concert, hosted by Haslingfield Little Theatre, raised £1048 for the Alzheimer’s Research Fund. Thanks go to everyone who supported the evening, whilst enjoying wonderful music, and, of course, to the Blue Skies Big Band members themselves.

FROM TODAY: Haslingfield Little Theatre Show & Play Photos on Facebook

As from today, you can view a selection of our rece81 MGnt Show & Play Photos on the Haslingfield Little Theatre Facebook Page. If you’ve been to see any of our productions, we hope they will bring back memories of enjoyable evenings shared with us, or if you’re less familiar with us, they will give you the opportunity to see our work. You don’t have to be on Facebook to view them, but if you are on Facebook and like them, do please Like Them. To see the photos, please click here.


HLT logo 2We are looking for two actors, a man in his 40s/50s and a woman in her 20s/early 30s, to complete the cast for our forthcoming production, the hilarious farce, Lend me a Tenor by Ken Ludwig. As these are major roles, we are seeking people with previous amateur acting experience – even if you have not acted for some while. NB You do not have to be able to sing, see Read more

TONIGHT & THURSDAY – Little Theatre Read-Through and Auditions!

HLT logo 2Our next production is the hilarious farce, Lend me a Tenor, by Ken Ludwig, which we are performing on 19, 20 and 21 May. If you’re interested in being part of this great play – either on-stage or as part of the production team, do please come along to the Read-Through on Monday 1 Feb and the Auditions on Thursday 4 Feb – both in Haslingfield Village Hall at 7.45 pm. You’ll get a feel of the play as well as a warm welcome from Haslingfield Little Theatre members. For further info. please click  Read more