Next Village Society Talk

 woodland trustdownloadThe Haslingfield Village Society’s season begins with a talk on the work of the Woodland Trust in Haslingfield Village Hall on Tuesday, 17 September at 8:00pm.  If you go down in the woods today……. you are sure to enjoy it, most likely thanks to the Woodland Trust.  Cambridgeshire is the least wooded county in England and the Trust is fighting to save the ancient woodland we have.  With more and more species under threat, its work is  of great importance.

This is a whole village society, everyone is very welcome.  A small charge for visitors, members free.

Next Village Society Talk

Far Away Places.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013.  Haslingfield Village Centre. 8:00.

GangesMichael Coles will take us on a journey through India from the Himalayas, down the Ganges and on to the far south in Kerala.   His illustrated talk will cover natural wonders, picturesque people, fauna, flora, cities and countryside.   Read more

Bake House Opening

IMG_1555 Come and see the inside of Haslingfield’s historic bake house and browse a section of  the village’s extensive archive of old document and photographs.  Saturday morning, 4th of May, from 10.00 am to midday on Well House Meadow.

Yummy, Lovely Chocolate

chocolateArtistry in Cocoa

Haslingfield Village Society, Tuesday, 16 April in the  Village Centre at 8:00 pm

Cheryl Brightly, a finalist in the Academy of Chocolatiers International Competition, will talk about the history of chocolate, how it is grown, made, and processed. A demonstration with cocoa pods will be given, and a sample from an Aztec recipe made.  Some samples will be brought along! Read more

Next Haslingfield Village Society Meeting

tigerWhere the wild things are!  Rebecca Willers from Shepreth Wildlife Park will talk about the work there, her experiences with The Tiger Anti-poaching Project in Sumatra and the Hedgehog Hospital Project.  Tues., 19 February, 8:00pm at The Village Centre.  Members and  school age childrena free; small charge for non-members. All Welcome.

Next Village Society Talk

The story of Matthew’s of Trinity Street 1832-1962
told by Judy Wilson

Haslingfield Village Hall, 8.00 pm, Tuesday 15th January, 2013

Many will remember Matthew & Son, the high-class grocery shop that was a feature of Trinity Street for 130 years until the early 1960s, trading in premises now occupied by Heffers Bookshop.   The talk will tell the story of this well regarded Cambridge grocer and wine merchant and of the family that ran it for three generations.

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Next Village Society Talk

Sigh! Winter can be gloomy enough without having to look out your window at a dull, uninteresting garden. Help is at hand!  “PLANTS FOR WINTER INTEREST” is the presentation by Peter Jackson  of Scotsdale Garden Centre, on Tuesday 27 November in the Village Centre at 8PM.

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Next Village Society Talk

 The Haslingfield Village Society restarts on Tuesday 18th September at 8.00pm in the Village Centre.  The very appropriate subject for our first meeting is THE HISTORY OF ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY; alias: Cambridge School of Art, College of Arts and Tech.. Anglia Higher Education College, and Anglia Polytechnic. Read more

Next Village Society Talk

Hear, ye! Hear,Ye! “Pickwick’s Cambridge Scrapbook” read by Mike Petty, with references to Haslingfield.      Mike is an authority on Cambridge and the fenland and has won a national award for his lectures and articles.  We know his talks as informative and amusing. Read more

The Haslingfield Chronicle

Who stole a green flounced petticoat from the house of Thomas Prime of Haslingfield in the County of Cambridge on 18 September 1784?  And what else did he nick?  To find the answer to this and a hundred other gems of essential knowledge you’ll need this fascinating publication. Read more

Next Village Society Talk

It Shouldn’t Happen to a Vet – BUT IT HAS!
John Grieve of the Cambridge Veterinary Group will speak of adventures and misadventures during his career.  This promises to be a humorous and interesting evening, to which all are welcome.  Tuesday April 17,  Haslingfield Village Hall,  8:00 PM.   Members and school aged children free, small charge for adult visitors.  Refreshments  included.

Next Village Society Event

What Miss Ling Saw!

 Dramatised readings from The Haslingfield School Log Book 1917-1965.  Readers: John Beresford, Peter Hains, and Cheryl Lowery, all of whom know the school well.  This promises to be an amusing and informative journey down memory lane, as well as a revelation of what went on in our village school for half a century.
Tues. Feb. 21 , 8:00 pm, at Haslingfield Village Hall. Read more