Next Village Society Talk

image001Mr Michael Snelling, a great supporter of Haslingfield life for many years, will talk at The Haslingfield Village Society about the techniques used in the repair & restoration of various types of chairs & seats. He will bring along a display of specialised tools & equipment.  Tuesday, 20th October, 8.00PM, Haslingfield Village Hall


Next Village Society Talk

Migrating-birds-001Tuesday 15th September 2015 at 8.00pm in the Village Hall

Dr Nicholas Branson will talk on Shorebird Migration, describing some of his studies on The Wash in England, at a number of sites in Australia, including the Great Barrier Reef, and in the USA, revealing much about the life histories of migratory birds and the areas of the world on which they depend.  All are welcome, entrance fee for non members over 16 is £2.50.

Next Village Society Talk

hedgerowTuesday 19th May 2015 at 8.00pm in the Village Hall

After a short Annual General Meeting, Mike Petty will talk about the life of James Reynolds Withers, the Cambridgeshire Hedge-side Poet  (1812 – 1892).  Mike Petty has been helping people research Cambridgeshire for 50 years.  He has a daily “Looking Back” column in the Cambridge News, and a weekly “Memories” page. Read more

Next Village Society Visit

Docwras_Manor_18_century_crop_webDocwra’s Manor Garden, Shepreth, on Thursday 23rd July 2015

Faith Raven has kindly made arrangements for us to visit out of normal opening hours.  It is well worth taking the opportunity to see this delightful garden, in its historic setting.

Read more

Next Village Society Talk

PagodaGardens of Great Beauty: Kyoto, Japan is the subjects of the talk by George Thorpe, a retired Head Gardener of Trinity College.  Tuesday 21st April 2015 at 8.00pm in the Village Hall. Read more

Next Village Society Meeting

Excavating Haslingfield: Bronze Age to the Iron Age, Romans to late Medieval, the 18th c.  Where did all the people live? Michael Coles, our local archaeologist, will talk about the results of much field walking and the 24 digs of 2013. The resultant archaeology will help explain where the people of ‘Haslingfield’ lived and what they did for the last 3500 years.
17th March 2015, 8 PM, The Village Hall.  Everyone welcome: members and children free, small charge for non-members.

Next Village Society Talk

WimpoleHum!  Appearances can be deceptive! And Wimpole Hall is no exception.  We think we know it all as the beautiful house and grounds on our doorstep.  However, all is not what it seems.  Some of the more surprising aspects are revealed in the Haslingfield Village society talk on Tuesday, 17 February.  Haslingfield Village Hall, 8:00PM.  Veronica Bennett is a volunteer speaker for the National Trust East of England Regional Talks Service.  Our talks are open to everyone; a small charge is made to non-members.  See you there.


image002Where does news come from? How is it decided what is broadcast? How is it prepared? How is technology changing the future? Fae Southwell, reporter with the BBC who is a resident of Haslingfield, talks about her 26-year career in news, working across several media, including newspapers, local radio and TV.
Tuesday, 20th January. 8:00 pm. Haslingfield Village Hall.
Everyone is very welcome


image002The Haslingfield Village Society presents:  An Evening of Mystery, Magic, and Music with a Two-course Meal – The Secret World of Charles Dickens.  Ian Keable, winner of The Magic Circle Comedy Award, performs the favourite magic tricks of Charles Dickens and divulges the spooky practices of Victorian psychics. During a hot meal with dessert, Tom Hatfield will entertain with music from the Victorian Music Hall. Saturday, 7 February 2015 at 7.00 pm. Haslingfield Village Hall.  Tickets at £12.50 are available from January from: the village shops, M. Hendy (870270), M. Stringer (871256). Put the date in your diary, this is not to be missed.