Film Club

movie-cameraThe next film Club meeting will be at 7.30pm on Friday 22nd May, 2015 in the Methodist rooms.  Running time is 89min., Certificate: U, and we will break for refreshments half way through.

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Film Club

movie-cameraThe next film Club meeting will be at 7.30pm on Friday 13th February 2015. We shall meet in the Methodist Rooms.  Running time is 105 min., Certificate U, and we will break for refreshment halfway through. To avoid having a fixed charge for each evening we have opted (for copyright reasons) not to advertise details of the film on notice boards, in the village magazine or on the web site.  Please let me know of anyone who would like to be included on the club mailing list in order to receive details.   Admission is free – we simply ask for donations from those attending to cover the cost of the film, tea, filter coffee, biscuits and use of the room.  All welcome, do invite friends.

Film Club

movie-cameraThe next film Club meeting will be at 7.30 pm on Friday 9th January 2015.
 We shall meet in the Methodist Rooms.  Running time is 127 min., Certificate PG, and we will break for refreshment halfway through. Read More below.

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The next film Club meeting will be at 7.30 pm on Friday 12th December 2014.
movie cameraWe shall meet in the Methodist Church Rooms.   Running time is 116 min, Certificate 12, and we shall break for refreshments halfway through.  The film is in several languages with English subtitles.  Read More‘ 

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Film Club

movie-cameraThe next Film Club will be at 7.30pm on Friday 26th September 2014 in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free.  Running time 120 min., Certificate 12 and subtitles for the ‘Hard of Hearing’.  We shall break for tea/coffee and biscuits half way through and there will be a collection to cover refreshments and use of the rooms.
If you would like to be put on the email circulation list, contact

Film Club

movie-cameraThe next Film Club will be at 7.30pm on Friday 13th June 2014 in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free.  Running time 130 min., Certificate 12 and subtitles for the ‘Hard of Hearing’.  We shall break for tea/coffee and biscuits half way through and there will be a collection to cover refreshments and use of the rooms.
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Film Club

movie-cameraThe next show will be at 7.30pm on Friday 25th April 2014 in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms (seats on the back row are going fast!)  Admission is free.  Running time 113 min., Certificate PG and subtitles for the ‘Hard of Hearing’.  We shall break for tea/coffee and biscuits half way through and there will be a collection to cover refreshments and use of the rooms. Read more

Film Club

movie cameraThe next show will be at 7.30pm on Friday 14th February 2014 in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms (seats on the back row are going fast!)  Admission is free.  Running time 95min., Certificate PG and subtitles for the ‘Hard of Hearing’. Read more

Film Club

movie cameraNext showing will be at 7.30pm on Friday 10th January 2014 in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free.  Running time 110min. Certificate: 15+  Contains strong language.  There will be subtitles for the ‘Hard of Hearing’.  We shall break for tea/coffee and biscuits half way through and there will be a collection to cover refreshments and use of the rooms. Read more


Next show will be at 7.30 pm on Friday 13th December 2013 in the Haslingfield Methodist Church movie cameraRooms.  Admission is free. Running time 1hr 54min. Certificate: Suitable for all.  We shall break for tea/coffee and biscuits half way through and there will be a collection to cover refreshments and use of the rooms. Read more


movie cameraOur next meeting of the FILM CLUB will will be at 7.30pm on Friday 29th November 2013  at the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free. Running time c.88 min., certificate PG.  We shall break for tea/coffee and biscuits half way through and there will be a collection to cover refreshments and use of the rooms.

Film Club

movie cameraThe next meeting of the FILM CLUB will be at 7.30pm on Friday 11th October 2013 in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free. Running time c.92 min., Certificate 12A.  French with subtitles.  We shall break for tea/coffee and biscuits half way through and there will be a collection to cover refreshments and use of the rooms. Read more


movie cameraThe next  Film Club season will begin on Friday 6th September 2013 at 7.30pm in Haslingfield Methodist Church. Admission is free.
For copyright reasons we cannot advertise the name of the film but we can tell friends. If you or friends have would like to be included in the circulation emails, please let me know.