Mixed Doubles Tennis Winners

Haslingfield Tennis Club held its annual Mixed Doubles tournament recently.  Six teams competed in perfect tennis weather.  The winners this year were Chris Chambers and Maria McElroy, who beat Alex Hopkins and Alix Robinson in the final.  Congratulations to Chris and Maria, and everyone who took part. Read more

Latest Tennis Club News

The Tennis Club’s next tournament is the Mixed Doubles this Sunday 30th June.  If you’d like to take part, please come along to the courts shortly before 10:30am and partnerships will be formed by drawing names from a hat on the day.
Also, Congratulations to Gail Rutherford and Babs Hillas who won the Ladies Doubles Tournament last weekend!

Men’s Doubles Winners

This year’s Tennis Club Men’s Doubles Tournament was won by Chris Chambers and Lawrence Hopkins. Runners up were Alex Hopkins and Danny Beddard. Congratulations to them and to everyone who took part.

Haslingfield Tennis Club 2013 Season

Date for your diary – The tennis club opening event is on Sunday 14th April, 10.30 – 13.00 at Haslingfield Tennis Courts.  We look forward to seeing you there!
TENNIS COACHING begins this year with an Easter Coaching Week with Coach Paul Bonnington. Read more

Quiz Night in the Village Hall

The tennis club quiz night is taking place on Saturday 10th November at Haslingfield Village Hall. A fish and chip supper is provided at the break (or a vegetarian option) at £7.50 per person.  Come along as a team (max 8) or just turn up and we’ll make sure you’ll join in and make up a team. Read more

Super Tennis Sunday

It’s a big day this Sunday (8th July) for the village Tennis Club. It’s hosting a Mixed Doubles Tournament starting at 10:30am on the tennis courts. Then later in the day, it’s holding its annual Summer Barbeque starting at 2pm in The Little Rose Pub. Read more