Offender(s) have broken a statue in All Saints Church

eCops logoCriminal damage occurred between the 10/04 and 24/04 whereby unknown offender(s) have broken a statue in All Saints Church in Haslingfield, CF01067640416
If you have any information that may help Police with this investigation please call 101 and quote the reference number above,
Or if you wish to remain anonymous please call crime stoppers on 0800 555 111

See Cambridge Evening News Article

Vandalism at the Parish Church

image001One of the kneeling figures in the Wendy monument in the south east corner of the Chancel of Haslingfield Church has been badly damaged and part of it removed. It is not known when the damage occurred but if anyone saw anything suspicious looking back over the last few days, please let one of the Churchwardens, or Harold Hopkins know; or use ‘Comments’ below.
Click the picture to see the damage.

Parish Council Elections

Parish Council elections are due to be held on Thursday 5th May 2016.  There are 11 seats available.

Nominations packs are available from the Clerk – please contact me by 30th March 2016 on 01223 264360 if you would like a pack delivered.  The Notice of Election will be posted on the Parish Council noticeboards on Wednesday 30th March.  Nominations must be hand delivered to South Cambridgeshire Hall, Cambourne Business Park, Cambourne CB23 6EA by 4 pm on Thursday 7th April 2016.

Please contact me if you require your electoral roll number or have any other queries.

Frances Laville – Haslingfield Parish Clerk


Textile Bank at Porkers Lane

South Cambridgeshire District Council provides a network of textile and book recycling banks across the District. The contractor delivering this service notified the council late last week that they will begin removing all banks during week commencing 15 February and 22 February.
This extreme lack of notice has not allowed an alternative arrangement to be put in place and regrettably there will be a period where recycling bring facilities will not be available. For more details, click Read more