All Saints’ Church





1st December
9.30am All Age Service

8th December
9.30am  Holy Communion with Sunday Club

15th December
9.30am  Morning Worship with Sunday Club
4.00pm  DIY Nativity

22nd December
9.30am  Holy Communion with Sunday Club
6.00pm Carol Service

24th December
4.30pm    Crib Service
11.30am.  Midnight Communion

25TH December
10am          All Age Holy Communion

29th December
8.30am       Holy Communion at St Andrew’s Toft
10.30am     Holy Communion at Little Eversden

WWW1 Memorial Service, Sunday 11 November

                                                                                                                                                        Please join us at 2:30pm on this special day, 100 years after the end of the first world war, as we remember and give thanks for all those who sacrificed their lives in the hope of peace in future generations.