Messy Church

Messy Church Logo The May Messy Church will be on Friday 16th May from 3.30-5.00pm at the Methodist Church.
We will be concluding our Colour Theme with ‘The Rainbow-Everybody Matters’.  

Creative crafts – Refreshments – Conversation – Fun – All age – Informal Worship – All welcome – Relax – and  of course be MESSY.  No commitment, no cost.  Come and try it.

Faith To Live By Service

On Sunday 11th May at 6.30pm our guest speaker at the Methodist Church will be Dr Derek Nicholls.  His title will be ‘Rural Roots: Strength or Stumbling Block’.  There will be a short time of worship, an address, refreshments and an informal discussion.  Everyone welcome.   Read more

Faith To Live By Service

Our guest speaker on 27th April 2014 at 6.30pm at the Methodist Church will be Daniel Woodhouse and his title will be ‘Let Justice Roll On Like a River: Nonviolent Direct Action’.  There will be a short time of worship, an address, refreshments and an informal discussion. Read more

Holiday Club (Advanced Notice)

A Holiday Club is being arranged for Primary aged children from May 26-30th mornings.  These will be run by John Hardwick a trained youth leader and entitled ‘Cops and Robbers’.  Anyone who is willing to help for all or part of the week, please contact Elsie or Phyllis Salmon or Revd Alison Walker at the Methodist Church.

Easter Sunday Breakfast

breakfastAfter the 6.30am Sunrise Service on Barrington Hill on Easter Sunday (20th April) an Easter Breakfast will be served from 7.30-9.30am  at the Methodist Church.  Proceeds to charity.  Why not start your Easter Day with a cooked breakfast even if Barrington Hill is toooo early?

New Vicar at All Saints’ Church

RebeccaThe Bishop of Ely is pleased to announce the appointment of the Reverend Rebecca Gilbert to serve as Team Vicar in the Lordsbridge Team Ministry, the group of churches that includes All Saints Church, Haslingfield.   Rebecca is currently on maternity leave from her previous post as curate in the Three Rivers group of parishes near Newmarket and plans to move into The Vicarage with her family in September.   She is married to Richard (Rich) and they have two young children. Read more

Messy Church

This Friday 14th March at 3pm in the Methodist Church.  The theme is Brilliant Black.  Creative crafts – Refreshments – Conversation – Fun – All age – Informal Worship – All welcome – Relax – and  of course be MESSY.  No commitment, no cost.  Come and try it.

The Hradec Quartet play Haslingfield

church1On Thursday, 10 April at 7.30 pm, The Hradec Quartet will be performing in All Saints Church, Haslingfield. They will be playing Josef Suk’s Meditation, Beethoven’s Quartet in F minor Op. 95 (Serioso), and Ravel’s Quartet in F major.

Tickets are available at Haslingfield Village Shop or on the door. They cost £10 (£7 concessions) and include wine or juice.

Haslingfield – Week of Prayer

churchlogo(4)Haslingfield Christians are offering a Week of Prayer to our village from 5th-11th March 2014.
Haslingfield Christians includes All Saints’ Parish Church, the Methodist Church, Roman Catholic House Group and Christians who worship at other churches in the city and in other villages.
There will be 9 places in the village for you to ‘Pause and Ponder’.  If you are unable to join the Guided Walk on the 8th March, just walk around the village and pause at each one a moment to read and reflect.

Read more

Lent Course – Talking of God

A Lent Course will begin at 1.30pm Thursday 13th March 2014 at Haslingfield Methodist Church.  It will meet weekly on Thursdays at the same time (1.30-3.20pm) and is available to all Christians in Haslingfield.