All Saints’ Gift Weekend

All Saints’ Church is holding a Gift Day and Open Morning on Saturday 4th Nov. between 10am and 1pm, when the church will be open for visitors to make donations, make suggestions or just come and explore our beautiful building.  Do drop in for refreshments, including coffee and cake, and browse the stalls.  It’s also an opportunity to meet the folk who currently care for and work to improve your church and its local surroundings.We would also be glad to hear how you feel we might improve our church and for the future, as we seek new ways to serve our village in the years to come.  Click on the poster to read more.


The annual Church Fete was held this year on Saturday 16th of September and was a great success in spite of the showers and at times, stormy weather. The heavens really did open during the afternoon; gazebos flapped furiously in the wind and the jousting platform became even more perilous with the added challenge of the rain-soaked beam and sodden dueling batons (actually sacks filled with something squidgy). 

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In the Steps of the Bishop

Sponsored walk, 23 September

2017 will be the 9th year in succession when a sponsored walk has been held from the Chapel of Gonville & Caius College in Cambridge to Haslingfield Church to commemorate the walks undertaken by Bishop Charles Mackenzie on Sundays to help with services in Haslingfield.   He later went as a missionary bishop to what is now Malawi and his memorial window may be seen at the east end of the south aisle in the church. Read more

All Saints’ Nave Roof Repair

You will be pleased to know that the Nave Roof has finally been completed. After a much delayed start, with problems of all descriptions, we now have a beautiful new Cumbrian slate roof. The slates vary in length up the slope and also in width. As the tiler said, ‘It is like playing chess to lay a roof like this’.  But to see the completed roof is to see a work of art, which is a real joy, and of which we can all be very proud. It also means of course that All Saints’ remains open as a place of worship and peace for the whole of the village community for years to come, and we can remain dry while using it!  

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Music in All Saints’ Church

Advance notice:

Saturday 25th March, Haslingfield Choir & Orchestra, Bach’s St John Passion.
Saturday 8 April, Richard Gowers, Senior Organ Scholar, King’s College.
Saturday 13 May, SongCycle, the all cycling/all singing male voice quartet.