Alpha Course

Just a reminder – the Alpha Supper is this coming Tuesday 7th May at Haslingfield Vicarage at 7.30pm. Everyone is very welcome to join us as we take the opportunity to explore questions of faith over the coming 6 weeks.

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Come to our Big Brekkie

The Big Brekkie at All Saints’ Church will start Christian Aid Week in style.  Come along and enjoy breakfast, tea and coffee and good company!  Join us between 9am and 10.30am on May 11th for a bacon/sausage sandwich and a cuppa to raise money for Christian Aid.  

Other breakfast options will be available.  All proceeds to go towards the work of Christian Aid.  For more information, please visit

WWW1 Memorial Service, Sunday 11 November

                                                                                                                                                        Please join us at 2:30pm on this special day, 100 years after the end of the first world war, as we remember and give thanks for all those who sacrificed their lives in the hope of peace in future generations.

June Concerts in All Saints’ Church, Haslingfield

On Saturday 9 June at 7.30 pm
LUKE FITZGERALD, organ scholar from Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge will give an organ concert.   Luke was formerly an Organ Scholar at Harlton Church and we look forward to welcoming him to Haslingfield.  Tickets on the door £10.

On Saturday 30 June at 7.30 pm
the NEW CAMBRIDGE SINGERS present a concert entitled ‘O How Glorious’ – a celebration of England’s remarkable tradition of choral music including the world premiere of Hilary Burgoyne’s Fantasia on an Anthem by Tallis, featuring an audience chorus.   Those interested should contact   Tickets £10 available nearer the time.

Enquiries for both concerts 01223 872190.


Residents of Haslingfield will be familiar with the Church bells ringing out before services, at weddings, on days of national celebration and on Thursday evenings, when we practice.

On Monday, April 9th at 3pm, a team will ring a full peal to commemorate those from Haslingfield who died in the First World War.  April 9th is the anniversary of the death of Private Edward Newling who was born in the village and who was killed in action when serving in the Suffolk Regiment.  Private Newling has descendants who live in the village today. Read more

Keyboard play-in

You may wish to drop in to All Saints Church during the afternoon of Sunday 25 March (1.30-4.30 pm) to hear pianists or organists playing either the grand piano or the church piano or the organ. The grand piano is available following the Haslingfield Choir Concert on Saturday 24th, and refreshments will be available for anyone coming to listen. Anyone interested in playing should contact José Hopkins (01223 872190) to arrange a slot.