Author Archive

Film Club

movie-cameraThe next Film Club meeting  will be on Friday 9th December 2016 at 7.30pm in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free.  Running time 90 min. Certificate: Universal.  We will break for mince pies, tea and coffee, half way through.  Following discussions with Film Club members, we plan to use subtitles.    Read more

Dr Jane Hellyer-Jones (Hawking) to Speak at the Methodist Church

aamethodist-logoDr Jane-Hellyer-Jones will give a talk at Haslingfield Methodist Church on
Sunday 27th November at 6.30pm.  She is the former wife of Stephen Hawking and her character is featured in the film ‘The Theory of Everything’.
Her title is ‘From Fact to Film to Questions of Faith’.
She will reflect on aspects of her life from her time as Mrs Stephen Hawking to today.  The evening will begin with a short time of worship during which Jonathan, Jane’s husband, will play the organ.  This will be followed by a talk by Jane, refreshments and informal discussion.  Everyone welcome.

Film Club

movie-cameraThe next Film Club meeting  will be on Friday 11th November 2016 at 7.30pm.  We shall meet in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.   Running time 120 min. Certificate: PG.  We will break for refreshments half way through.  Following discussions with Film Club members, we plan to use subtitles.   

Read more

Next Village Society Talk

darwinTuesday 15th November 2016, 8.00pm in Haslingfield Village Hall

“John Henslow and the Education of Charles Darwin”
by  Professor John Parker  
Director of the Cambridge U. Botanic Garden for 14 years and a Professor in the Plant Sciences Department.

While at Cambridge Darwin fell under the influence of John Henslow, Professor of Botany, and attended all his lectures, practical classes, excursions and soirees.  Henslow recommended Darwin for the Beagle voyage.  The talk explores the research and teaching programme of John Henslow to establish what Darwin gained from him  and which equipped him for his later achievements.


All Saints’ Church Gift Day and Celebration Service

gift-dayAll Saints’ Church is holding a ‘Gift and Open Morning’ on Saturday 29th October, between 10am-1pm when the church will be open for visitors to make donations, make suggestions or just come and explore our beautiful building. Do drop in for refreshments; we will have bacon sandwiches on offer, along with coffee and cake! There will also be stalls as in previous years. It’s an opportunity to meet those who currently care for and work to improve your church and its local surroundings. It will be really good to see you and we would also love to hear your suggestions on how we might serve the village in new ways in the future.
Following our Gift Day, everyone is warmly invited to our All Saint’s Celebration service the following morning at 10.30am. Read more

A Faith to Live By


A series of special services to explore what Christianity means in practice.
Their format will vary, but will usually include a talk, discussion and refreshments.

 Programme for Sept-Dec 2016 Read more

Next Village Society Meeting

The wall along our High Street and Broadimage001 Lane has its own story to tell. On Tuesday, 18 October at 8:00 PM in Haslingfield Village Hall, Michael Coles, resident archaeologist and historian, relates its tale in Bricks to Build With .  Who made those early bricks?  Where did they come from?  When were they made for this and other buildings in South Cambridgeshire? Bricks are not just bricks you’ll be surprised to learn!
Everyone is always welcome to our meetings.  Enjoy a chat at refreshment time.  Members and school aged children free, small charge for non-members.

Film Club

movie-cameraFriday 14th October 2016 at 7.30pm. in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free.  The film running time is 120 min., Certificate: PG.  We will break for refreshments half way through.  Following discussions at the last film club meeting, we plan to use subtitles. Read more

Coffee Morning


Do drop in for coffee and cakes and a chat between 10 and 12 on Saturday morning, 8 October.   We shall be pleased to see you on your way to and from the shops !
Merle Barton/José Hopkins