Author Archive

Environment Working Party

Next working party will be on Sunday 14th May at 14.00.  We have decided to walk the footpaths of the village, armed with secateurs.  We will meet at the Pavilion to start our walk.  All villagers are welcome to join us, with children too.

Please contact Jay Cole 870688 or for further details. Many thanks to the hardworking volunteers, and those who provide refreshments along the way – an unexpected bonus of the work. Read more

Easter Activities at the Methodist Church

Maundy Thursday Service at 7.30pm led by Revd Dr Michael Wilson
Good Friday Service at 10.00am led by Revd Alison Walker
Easter Sunday Activities
6.00am Early Morning Service on Barrington Hill with the Parish Church
8.00-9.30am Full cooked breakfast.  Everyone welcome.
10.00am Easter Day Communion Service led by Revd Alison Walker
No evening service

Next Village Society Talk

The Gurkha Welfare Trust is the leading Gurkha charity.  The Trust aims to provide welfare to enable Gurkha ex-servicemen, their dependents and their communities to live with dignity, primarily in Nepal but increasingly in the UK and elsewhere.  The welfare includes developmental, medical, financial and advisory aspects of life.

Speaker, Mike Thorp of Haslingfield,  served with the Gurkha for over 12 years in the Far East, Cyprus and the UK, and is a founder member of the Gurkha Army Service Corps.  The talk will be given in  Haslingfield Village Hall on Tuesday, 18th April at 8:00PM, .  Everyone is very welcome.  Members and 16 and under free.  Visitors £2.50 .

All Saints’ Church

April 14th   GOOD FRIDAY

Carrying the Cross

From Barton (1pm) via Haslingfield (2pm),
Harlton (2.45pm), Little Eversden (3.30pm),
to Great Eversden (4pm)

Environment Working Party, April 2nd

This band of positive villagers has continued to work on the Well-house Meadow. We have secured all 20 fruit trees with rabbit guards, stakes and membranes to prevent weeds. In the autumn we hope to have a permanent sign made so that villagers can identify all the trees, and maybe a new seat.  Meanwhile we have spent 4 sessions cutting the ivy on the Tudor wall, and you can now see our beautiful and historic wall in all its glory. Read more

All Saints’ Nave Roof Repair

You will be pleased to know that the Nave Roof has finally been completed. After a much delayed start, with problems of all descriptions, we now have a beautiful new Cumbrian slate roof. The slates vary in length up the slope and also in width. As the tiler said, ‘It is like playing chess to lay a roof like this’.  But to see the completed roof is to see a work of art, which is a real joy, and of which we can all be very proud. It also means of course that All Saints’ remains open as a place of worship and peace for the whole of the village community for years to come, and we can remain dry while using it!  

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Next Environment Working Party

Sunday the 12th March is our next environment working Party.  I will be there from 1.30.
Last time we dug in 4 new fruit trees and completed putting in stakes and weed suppressant mats around the trees.  Yesterday they were all looking good.  I hope to see as many of you as can make it on Sunday; we aim to complete the careful removal of Ivy from the Tudor wall so that we can move on to other sites in the village. Read more

Film Club

The next Film Club will be on Friday 10th March at 7.30pm.  We shall meet in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free.  Film running time 102 min. Certificate: 12+.  We will break for tea, coffee and biscuits, half way through.  

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