Minutes of Parish Council meeting 10th December


Minutes of meeting held on Monday December 10th 2012

Present –, Bob Branch, Julie Coxall, Christine Kipping, John Offord, Rebecca Ridley, Roger Scott, Wendy Timbs , Ron van der Hoorn, John Wheelhouse

There was one member of the public present

     1      Apologies for absence – Lucian Hatfeld, Robin Page 

2      Members Declaration of Interest – None

    3      Open Forum – None

    4     Minutes of meeting held on November 12th were agreed and signed

5    Matters to be reported from these minutes –

       WT to contact Martin Heazell re footpath plan – meeting arranged for 11th December

       Damaged slide –.  Awaiting response from Playground Services re strengthening of slide

       Research into names on the wall memorial already carried out John Beynon.  Copies are in the Village Society archives, the contact is John Beresford.  This to be published on the web site.  Guidance notes on observing ash trees to be published on web site

      JW is to defer response to SCDC re TM governance until next month    

6          Confirmation of decisions made since last meeting – None

7            Planning  – S/2368/12/FL – loft conversion 34 Cantelupe Rd – recommended

–         Environmental Impact Assessment, Addenbrookes Hospital – no comment

–         Application to extend the time limit for implementation of planning approval for an extension at The Barn, Charity Farm, Harston Rd (granted 2009) – no comment

Permission given by SCDC for – conservatory at 40 Broad Lane

–         Non material amendment to planning application or erection of dwelling at land adjacent to 15 Back Lane (removal of chimney stack and installation of bay window)

8            Additional Matters for discussion  – Pre school Manager required to secure the future of the pre school group.  This post to be advertised.  Linda Shankland has been appointed Chairman of the group.  Locks to be obtained for Wellhouse Meadow and recreation ground gates.

The finger post sign at the corner of New Rd and the High St needs cleaning – to be discussed with Michael Oakman.  A ‘For Sale’ notice has appeared on the telephone box, this to be investigated with a view to purchase by HPC.

9            County Councillors Report – SCDC is proposing significant cuts to most of it’s grant programmes.  This includes the complete axing of funding for sport, arts and community facilities, and significant cuts for Citizens Advice Bureau, Age UK  and Relate.  The CAB office in Huntingdon is closing and the St Neots office is at risk.  SDC are to spend £45K on new furniture for the Council Chamber!  SCDC has withdrawn it’s proposals to re-open the traveller’s site at Mettle Hill.  Meldreth Parish Council is hoping to buy the land.  Barrington Parish Council is hoping to organise a public meeting on January 11th to discuss the future of the CEMEX site. The Green Deal is on it’s way, home energy surveys will be available which will include a full survey of your house and an analysis  of what you can do to change how you live to save energy and money.  A portfolio holder and officers meeting will take place on Thursday 13th December to agree the wording of the Local Plan Consultation Report including possible sites for the football stadium.

10      District Councillors Report – Report circulated

11      Committee and Working party Reports

A – Environment – Porkers wildlife area has been seeded.  Fences and posts will soon be ordered so that the margins can be clearly defined.  The cherry tree in Wellhouse Meadow is rotten and needs to be removed.  It is hoped to carry out ivy cutting from the wall in January, advice to be sought from SCDC re suitability of cutting in January

B – Pavilion  –  refurbishment of cloakrooms and kitchen requested.  The goal posts are going to be stored in the Little Theatre Store.  The kitchen is to be professionally cleaned.  The request for an outdoor table tennis table may be reconsidered     

C – Allotments – AGM to take place on 11.12.12

D – Trumpington Meadows – No updates on Cycle route

E – Play Area – awaiting repairs to be carried out

12    Correspondence  –    

    Meetings SF Health and well being  Dec 11th 1.15pm

    Christmas Waste and recycling collections information confirmed                  

13   Preparations for Public Meeting on Dec 13th councillors asked to be at the hall at 6.30pm.  RS to set up demo boards during the afternoon.  Doors open from 7pm, drinks etc to be available.  Sound system to be requested 

14   Planting of oak trees on the recreation ground – following a discussion with Andrew Grimmer at SCDC and with the agreement of the environment committee, 5 oak trees are to be planted along the Porkers Lane side of the recreation ground and one in the centre of the Wellhouse Meadow.  Hedging will also be planted in Wellhouse Meadow.  This is at no cost to the Parish Council

15        Highways Maintenance – following a meeting with Highways several problems in the village are receiving attention

a          The ‘Unsuitable for Motor Vehicles’ sign at the Village Green end of Broad Lane is to be removed and the existing sign near the Vicarage gate to be moved to the Manor side of Broad Lane near the Village Green

b          The hedge on Chapel Hill has been trimmed back allowing better visibility

c          The overgrown verge at Butler Way end of Broad Lane is to be cut

d          The broken street sign at the end of Cantelupe Road is to be replaced  

16        Website – this item was carried forward to the next meeting

17        Finance – The precept request for 2013/14 was discussed, this is to be revised and discussed further by the finance committee before being presented at the January meeting

      Resolution to pay outstanding accounts proposed by JO  seconded by WT

 Repayment of Income tax for the year 2005/06 £427.56 has been received.
















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