Minutes of Parish Council meeting 11th June 2012

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              HASLINGFIELD  PARISH  COUNCIL


Minutes of meeting held on Monday June 11th 2012


Present –Julie Coxall, Ron van der Hoorn, Lucian Hatfield, Ray Jack, Christine Kipping, Olga Murkin, John Offord, Roger Scott, Wendy Timbs , John Wheelhouse

District Councillor Robin Page was in attendance


    There were 5 members of the public present


1      Apologies for absence – Sebastian Kindersley


2      Members Declaration of Interest – none


    3      Open Forum – the owner of the horses kept in the paddock next to the skate park asked the PC to take action to prevent youths hurling rubbish and getting over the fence from the SP into the paddock – a working group to be set up led by RJ.  Photographs of culprits would be useful


4     Minutes of meeting held on May 14th were agreed and signed


5     Matters to be reported from these minutes –

Request for Scrutiny meeting to be held in the village, this will be delayed until later in the year.

Meeting with Dennis Vacher tomorrow – items for discussion – removal of grass verge at the New Rd end of Fountain Lane and a kerb inserted; Pot hole at the end of River Lane; rough road at the New Rd end of Fountain Lane; drain outside Methodist Chapel; Cantelupe Rd.  New Rd is now brilliant!

Grass areas not cut by CCC, to be advised to Kate Day

Caravan in Back Lane has disappeared

School parking – no information from CCC

Haslingfield Colts – grant request, HPC to match their fund raising efforts

Grant from Highways – no more information

Vote of thanks proposed to WT for organising Jubilee coins for the children, seconded by JO


6                  Co-option to vacancy – Rebecca Ridley was co-opted by 7 votes with 2 abstentions, prop RV seconded by CK


7          Update on Trumpington Meadows – John Pym gave a report, land for school building not yet

            released by University.  Savills are currently marketing phase 2 of the site.  Several houses have

 been sold on phase 1.  A business plan is being drawn up by CCC, SCDC and the City Council  who are also addressing the transport problems.

Proposed football stadium – Meetings have been held in various parishes and a combined parish meeting.  Is there a need for a stadium?  Joint strategy is looking at this again.  Traffic surveys have not been updated since the Addenbrookes access road was opened.  An up to date survey has been requested.  It is understood that permission to build on the existing Cambridge United ground will not be given until a new site is agreed for the stadium.  It was felt that as much pressure as possible should be exerted.  A report from the next meeting on 28th June ahould be available for the next meeting


8         Allocation of responsibilities –


            Allotments – RV

Community Awareness – OM and RJ

Environment – WT and RJ

            Finance –          WT and OM

            Grass Cutting – JO     

Highways, Byways, footpaths and public transport – RS and JC (D Rutherford could be involved with traffic)

            Local Authority Liaison meetings – JW

            Localisation – JW + 1

Planning – JO

Trumpington meadows – CK and RV

United Charities – WT

Village Hall – JC

Web Site – LH

RR volunteered to represent the village on Sustainable Parish Partnership and also the bulk purchase of heating oil for the village

Martin Heazell to be co-opted to Environment Committee


9         Localisation Act – Keith Miles from SCDC will address a public meeting before the next HPC

meeting on Monday July 9th.  This meeting will be advertised in C & V, on the web site and   posters.  JW to organise


10        Planning  -– Permission granted by SCDC for single storey and 2 Storey Extn, 10 Chestnut Close; erection of dwelling on land adjacent to 18 and 18a Fountain Lane.  Permission given by CCC for extension to Haslingfield School.  Solar Farm at Cantelupe Farm – Proposal for non-material amendment to planning permission to agree minor modifications to switch gear and meter housing units and layout modifications – agreed


11     Additional Matters for discussion  –

          Grass Cutting and hedge trimming along footpath at Sydney gardens  – refer to CCC

          Tree felling either side of Methodist Chapel Wall  MC has agreed cost will be £410. Not possible to

          remove roots as they are too close to the wall – work to proceed


12    County Councillors Report – Planning for housing – a public consultation exercise is to be started shortly by SCDC, about how the district progresses plans for housing and development in the area up to 2031.  There has been a reorganisation of local police cover, that will mean more officers on the street throughout the area.  The police officer for the area is now Alex Rendall with two PCSO’s Carly Freed and Paul Lancaster.  Guided Busway dispute – BAM Nuttall submitted their defence and counter claim on April 27th which the CCC legal team is reviewing.  The formal response will be submitted in October.  If you do not wish to be identified when reporting drink or drug drivers there is a new line where you may leave a report anonymously 0800 032 0845.  Over the next five years CCC will be borrowing £90m for highways maintenance in the hope that gradually the network can be brought under better control than it is now.  If you live in SCAMBS housing and are experiencing delays or worse in repairs to your property please get in touch with your local councillors.


13     District Councillors Report – RP is dealing with a planning issue concerning a tree house erected in a garden in New Road without permission and which overlooks several other gardens.  The planning process for the large developments is being driven by land owners and not by planning officers.  Planners should have more authority to create a sustainable plan for growth.  Villages should create an alliance to defend their land.  Development plans for CEMEX are still on the cards. Robin warned of the possibility of development adjacent to the A603 between Barton and Newnham, he is totally opposed to this and warned of the possible consequences to journey times into Cambridge etc it this happened.  There is a difficult and fraught time ahead for several villages. 

14    Committee and Working party Reports


A – Environment  – Report circulated


B – Pavilion  – Chairs will be delivered w/c 18th June – No Meeting


C – Allotments – a new sign board has been erected within the boundary of the allotments


15      Correspondence –  Notice of change of auditors from September 2012 from Moore Stephens

          to Littlejohn

          Cambridgeshire ACRE Newsletter already circulated

          OM to explore the need for Parish reports to be translated into Braille, audio, or large print

          Notes from Gamlingay Police panel already circulated

          Traveller related issues


          Meetings – 12th June  SF Forum Sub Group meeting 1.15 – 3.00pm  JAH

                             18th June  TM Primary School Facilities Group – 3.30pm CK


16     Damaged slide at Play Area – quote for replacement £1,191  inspected by Kompan the manufacturers who considered it was vandalism.  Claim with insurance company being pursued


17     Proposed wildflower area in Wellhouse Meadow and area in the churchyard – quotes have been received from two contractors for spraying the areas twice, they will then be cultivated and seeded.  The total cost will be £429.  A 50% grant may be available from SCDC –RR


18            Finance – Investment of General Reserve – Bank of Cyprus not recommended.  Other banks to

     be investigated


Adoption of Internal Audit – prop   CK  and seconded RS carried nem con

New cheque signatories JW, WT and JO – agreed

Section 106 payment will be received in respect of development at 18 and 18A Fountain Lane


            Resolution to pay outstanding accounts proposed by WT seconded by JO


Date of next meeting Monday July 9th 2012 at 7.00 pm in the Pavilion.

There will be a presentation from 7pm – 8pm by Keith Miles from SCDC on Localisation Act














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