Minutes of Parish Council meeting 11th April

Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday April 11th 2012


Present –Marjorie Richardson (in the chair),  Lucian Hatfield, Martin Heazell, Ray Jack, Christine Kipping, Margaret Long, Olga Murkin, John Offord, Wendy Timbs , John Wheelhouse

District CouncillorLiz Heazelland County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance

    There were 3 members of the public present


Meeting preceded with a presentation on Trumpington Meadows Development by representatives from SCDC.  The report requires some amendments and the representatives will return in July


1      Apologies for absence – David Blake

2      Members Declaration of Interest – none


    3      Open Forum – no comments

4        Minutes of meeting held on March 12th were agreed and signed prop JW secOM


5        Matters to be reported from these minutes – hedges onChapel Hill have been cut back with the exception of the one belonging to Ms Tidd who is currently away. The warning signs at the clunch pit onChapel Hill have yet to be replaced.

Chief Inspector Darren Alderson is to speak at the Annual Meeting on policing the new development at Trumpington Meadows etc and rural crime.

Street Lighting – Balfour Beatty written to as requested, not their responsibility, this has now been taken up by Chris Sproston at CCC

Letter has been sent to Jean Hunter re 15 New Road, this has been acknowledged with apologies.  The letter has been passed to the planning dept

Cheryl Lowery received an SCDC Arts Award at the presentation on 28 March, David Snelling and Jo Dickens also received awards in the Junior Section

Request for Cycle Path atRailway Bridge Barton Rd, no response from CCC ………..


6        Planning  – S/0488/12/FL–Wall and driveway ext, Hollytree Cott, 1AButler Way – recommended

Permission granted by SCDC for amendments toSolarFarmParkat Cantelupe Farm, and revised plans for Cantelupe Farm House.

Appeal by Mrs C French against refusal of planning permission for alterations to6 Church Way

The hearing will be on May 1st at 10am at Cambourne – JW is available to attend

No reply from CCC Highways re removing grass verge fromFountain Lane


7        Additional Matters for discussion  – No official footpath inspection forms have to be completed this year.  Anotice to go in C & V requesting any problems to be reported to the Clerk.

Objection was raised to article which appeared in Cambridge News giving publicity to one candidate.  A letter of complaint to be sent voted 6 for with 3 abstentions.  Work is about to commence on theSolarParkat Cantelupe Farm, and panels will be installed on the village hall at the end of June.  The possibility of a tea party for new residents was discussed, this was carried forward to the next meeting.  L Hatfield has attended training for Trumpington Meadows web site which is being launched shortly.  MH suggested that the SCDC Scrutiny Committee be invited to hold their July meeting in Haslingfield when the topic of rural bus services is to be discussed  this was carried by 8 votes with 2 abstentions


8        County Councillors Report – reminder of Police panel meeting on Thursday 19th April at Gamlingay WT and CK to attend.  The legal case for Guided Bus has been delayed until 2014

SK and LH are to meet with Mr Lee of Whippet coaches and CCC to try and resolve the

problem of the bus service in the village.  A final decision has been taken that there will be no increase in allowances for County Council members.  SCDC has recently decided to take over maintenance responsibilities for footway lighting from Parish Councils.  Only 54 gritting runs have been undertaken this winter, significantly lower than the past two years, so it was not necessary to replenish salt stocks.


9     District Councillors Report – the housing loan has been finalised to purchase housing stock, which

       means no more rents will be paid toWhitehall.  When a surplus is achieved more council houses will

       be built.  Two instances of fly tipping have occurred recently onChapel Hill, a prosecution will

       follow.  Members of the public are invited to join the Consultative Panel of SCDC to give their view

       on planned policy action, meetings take place 3 or 4 times a year.  The next edition of Scambs news  

       will be heavily Olympic based with an article aboutAngela Taylor(High St) who is to carry the torch

       for one lap.  It was suggested that Keith Miles from SCDC be invited to give a talk on the Parish Plan

       which may enable HPC to update the Millenium Plan.


  10    Committee and Working party Reports


A – Environment  – Tree work has been carried out in The Wellhouse Meadow andRiver Lane.  Rob Mungovan is very satisfied withRiver Lane work

The following trees have been inspected by the SCDC Tree Officer and he is happy for whatever work is decided upon to be carried out.

a) the tree trunk leaning against the right hand pillar as you enter the Manor, as this is pushing against the wall and may result in the wall collapsing –

b)  the trees either side of the Chapel Wall half way between the two seats, as the roots are pushing the soil up either side of the wall and causing pressure on the wall

Clive Blower is carrying out a survey of wild flwers etc in the wild area around the containers on the recreation ground. 


B – Pavilion  – New chairs have been ordered cost £3,500.  Paving slabs have been completed and the perimeter fence of the play area made secure.  This was carried out at no extra charge.  Alan Stevens has been appointed as caretaker of the Village Hall.  EDF have been requested to trim the trees which are touching the power lines.  The ‘No Dogs’ sign has disappeared from the corner ofNew Road andCantelupe Road.  New goal posts are required at a cost of


C – Allotments – Water rate has been paid.  All plots are now occupied.  Mr Grain will shortly be clearing the overgrown area


   11     Correspondence – none     


12     Jubilee Gifts to Haslingfield Children – it was proposed by MR and seconded by WT that children attending Haslingfield School and Playschool should be given a £5 coin, this was carried by 8 votes to 2


13                Emergency Plan – to be completed at next meeting


14                Appointment of School Governor for Trumpington Meadows School – Liz Heazell was proposed by CK and seconded by JO carried nem con


15                Jubilee Picnic at Burghley House on June 13th 2012 – attendees to be Liz Heazell and

Ray Jack plus their guests


16        Bulk Oil Purchase – ML to provide details


17       White lines on road – only one reply received from residents approached  c/f


18     Funding for local requests  – High number of applications no presentations now, initial assessment will be made in the next week and we will be informed by 18th April if our bid is to go forward to the panel stage where we will be invited to present our application


19      Investment of General Fund – it was decided to invest in another bond with the Bank of Cyprus

            8 votes in favour with 1 abstention


  20      Finance – Resolution to pay outstanding accounts proposed by JO seconded by MH


Water rate cheque received from allotment society


A vote of thanks was given at the end of the meeting to the retiring councillors Martin Heazell and Margaret Long from the Parish Council and Liz Heazell from the District Council.  All three have worked tirelessly for the village over the years and this has been much appreciated.



Date of next meeting Monday May 14th 2012 at 7.30 pm in the Methodist Chapel

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